Why Decentralized? (Part One)

This is Part One of a three part SIMPLE look at what I’ve discovered on my journey into decentralized platforms, our new economy. My intention is to inspire smart action as we become aware of what’s really going on in the bigger picture. It’s my belief that it’s up to us individually to do our own due diligence. I’m just lighting the fire. I’ve been a newbie in the arena, I know what it’s like, and I’m still learning. It’s easy to get overwhelmed about the HUGE changes happening right now in our monetary system, let alone understand what the blockchain is. The key to truly grasping this powerful world is education, knowing opportunity when you see it, and an open mind.

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Why decentralized?

Money has not been an easy path for me to learn & earn. It wasn’t something I learned about in school, unfortunately. You know, HOW the system actually functions from bank fees to mortgage loans, the value of a savings account, let alone being thoroughly educated on how “credit” works in our economy. Plus, as far as earning money, I don’t professionally fall into the status quo/mainstream corporate life, I’m not a techie, nor do I do self promotion well (I’m a philanthropist at heart). I must believe in something before I “sell” it, or share it. Money doesn’t inspire me or motivate me.

However, what it can do for all of us, does.

Through personal experiences over the years, realizing I am in the middle of survival mode with seemingly no way out (like many of us these days), I became aware of what the Financial Industrial Complex is: A centralized system controlled by the few, fed by the many. We the people, the majority of the human population, are being bamboozled daily and we don’t even know it. But what are our options?

So my mind was really open to ideas.

Then I was introduced to a man on a mission. Henry James turned me onto everything crypto & decentralized when I became a member of his company, Compumatrix, in 2015. Henry created a simple way to earn cryptocurrencies and grow a decentralized portfolio of assets. I’ll share more on Henry’s Dream later...

Suffice it to say, the past few years have been a whirlwind of challenges as I grasped what cryptocurrencies really mean for all of us, showing me what’s possible. I’ve been exposed to ideas that inspire me endlessly, and my passion grows each day as I see what the new economy’s potential with decentralization truly is.

If you are where I was, in the dark about how things really work in our financial world, here are two invaluable resources to get your education on:

Mike Maloney does a brilliant job in honestly & eloquently disclosing the history and current happenings in one of our seemingly greatest mysteries. He’s now onto cryptocurrencies, too.

My Crypto Crush, Andreas Antonopoulos has a gift in simplifying this complicated, technical world. So much wisdom in him, and a passion for crypto’s that inspires one to listen, and GET IT. Andreas shares excerpts of his talks around the world for FREE, and you can check his Patreon page for updates on where he’ll be speaking next. Listen to him.

One warning that is very important to recognize in this emerging field I call Cryptoland:
The HYPE over ICO’s, or Initial Coin Offering projects.
Everyone is trying to be the next Bitcoin.
And I don’t blame them.

Anything new creates excitement, and being we are living in desperate & challenging times for many, scams & opportunities run rampant. So it’s wise to truly investigate an offer until you trust it implicitly, and understand what it’s FOR. Don’t even trust me, or your best friend. Do your own homework until you feel good about your choice.

It’s a new world being created, and whoever comes out with the strongest and least volatile system becomes a long term winner in our new economy. However, the false hype can override the intrinsic value of cryptos, by pushing a “get rich quick” scheme, or a “pump & dump,” which of course is not the long term goal for a new economy.

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Decentralization, creating a new economic system together, gives the 99% our power back. This is what it’s ALL about. This isn’t about Bitcoin all by itself, or Bitcoin being the latest and greatest financial investment. Don’t let the media & it’s manipulative tomfoolery get to you.

This is about you & I making wise choices, telling the World:
We Choose Decentralization.

How do we do that? Education. Know what this IS. The true value of a decentralized system is to level the playing field and give everyone an opportunity to live the life they love, and make a difference in the world.

In Part Two I share what how we use crypto's on a practical level, at this point in our journey. It’s a brand new system with a lot of work yet to be done. “Clunky” is a word I hear a lot in the crypto sphere :)

Just remember what it’s all FOR: getting our power back.

Be True,

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