Steem(it) can, has, and WILL change people's lives! It certainly helped better mine.

I got this piece of mail yesterday, and I wanted to share it with everyone here...


I'm sure some of you will look at this and think, "Oh, cool. You paid off your car!" However, what you guys won't know by looking at this is that it wasn't supposed to be paid off until sometime around November or December of this year! If you notice the date on the letter, that means the vehicle was paid off roughly six months ahead of schedule! Awesome! Not only did paying this car off early get us out of this debt, it means that we are now debt free!

I know, I know, "Yay to being debt free! But what does this have to do with Steem/Steemit?" To answer that, let me take you on a slight detour to this post I made about a year ago. At the time we were still in debt with both my school loan and our Jeep. I believe this was one of the first posts suggesting using Steem/Steemit as a form of crowd-funding. Even though that particular post didn't do what I was hoping, I kept the idea of using digital assets as a way of making lives better.

At the end of last year we were able to get the school loan all finished, and we were anticipating getting rid of the last of our debt. We got 50% of the remaining balance paid off with our tax return, but we knew we'd still have almost a whole year left of payments. I was even doing some saving on the side in hopes that we'd be able to have some funds on the side for a house in the not too distant future. Then one day, my wife (the lovely @justicepirate) asked me, "What's the point in having that money saved up if we're still in debt and you aren't going to use it?" So I started considering, "What was I waiting for when it came to using the money I had saved up in digital assets?" So after thinking about that for a couple of days, I decided it was time to cash out some funds and get us out of debt, and with that decision, we end up where we are!"

"But wait, dude. You still didn't tell us what this has to do with Steem/Steemit!" Right you are, and the whole point of this post is to tell you all that we were able to pay off our car early primarily because of Steemit earnings and articles I have read that told me about opportunities in the digital assets market! Last year, I came across a post discussing an upcoming ICO for a new platform named ICONOMI. I did some research and got in on the ICO. A few months later I came across a post announcing BitTwenty and after some research I decided to move my profits from my ICN investment over to BitShares and BitTwenty. Almost all of the seed money I've had for investments in the digital assets space have come from my earnings here, and my wife and I are abundantly grateful for the opportunity to take part in the future of economy!

To anyone who gets bogged down by how slow it may seem to earn anything, keep at it! Don't get complacent either. Keep researching other ways to use money you earn here and make it work for you. Let me stand as (just another example among others) that this new world of the digital economy will change many, MANY lives in ways we are just beginning to understand!

Keep Steeming!

With much love,

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