Where do "Bad" People Go After They Die? - A Medium's Perspective


The In Between - A Medium's Perspective


The Mormons and Catholics sort of got it right, with "purgatory" and the "spirit world" or "spirit prison." There's a place in the middle, between heaven and earth, for spirits to go and reflect before they cross over to the "other side." The difference is, they aren't stuck eternally. It is a waiting room of sorts. Some people skip this and go straight to "heaven." Some spirits go to the In Between and contemplate things for awhile, then they move on as they lean into the light.

Still, others get a little "stuck" due to trauma, dissociation, shock, denial (remember 6th Sense?) or....in some cases, a bit of evil. They just don't want to go. They aren't ready to look at themselves, deconstruct their life, feel the feels, or face the fire, as it were. But we all gotta do it. The "inner work" gots to get done. And we all eventually will at some point. Even the naughty ones.

Is Hell Real?

In essence, I suppose we're in it now. It just feels the way it feels now. If you have demons and vices you can't escape here, you are likely to carry them over to the other side for a little while, until you get them ironed out. Hell is the state a spirit is in if they have unresolved issues to take care of after death. The difference is, it's EASIER to lean into the light there than it is here (meaning, without your body vs. with your body).

Discomfort and reconciliation are not meant to be permanent. It is what you make of it. You can stay in that state as long or as little as you like. It is COMPLETELY up to you. Everything is. Always. Completely up to you. Just like it is here. You are your own boss. You decide your own fate. You decide what you want to do and where you want to go next. It is sovereignty and free will at its finest.

Spirits In All Stages

As a medium, I've met spirits in all stages. Most loved ones cross over to the light. Most loved ones have messages for us. But SOMETIMES, they are the ones that need messages from us to help nudge them in the right direction. These are my favorites.

The good news is, all beings are in a state of progression. Even the "bad" ones. The only way from here really is "up."

Would You Like To Speak To A Loved One??

If you would like to speak to a loved one who has passed, message me below and we can set up a time to chat! Or...hop on my live streams on TikTok @momisamedium. If you mention you know me from HIVE, I'll give you a free mini reading!

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