Spring represents the resurgence of life, the return to light, rebirth ... It is an excellent opportunity to reinvent ourselves and to realize new projects.
Among my things I found this watercolors card that had been wet, and that by the stain was about to go to the trash. But it occurred to me that I could get out of that spot. Here I show you the process.
I organized the materials, among them the stained cardboard.
- Cardboard.
- Brushes.
- Black Chinese ink.
- Watercolors
- Paperweight.
- Personal stamps.
The first thing I did was a large rock and the foliage of the tree.
Then I painted the trunk of the tree and its branches.
They followed the stones at the base of the tree.
Then, the side mountains and those in the distance.
I realized the ideography (big Chinese letter) of spring. I also made my signature.
I sealed the work with my personal stamps.
I hope that through this painting, we can connect with the joy of SPRING...
Thank you very much for your time, and for valuing my work,
Greetings to all,
Joan Martínez.