Why Liberal Women Are Depressed and Alone


On average, men are naturally more right-wing and conservative while women are naturally more left-wing and liberal. Marriage is a symbiotic relationship where those forces (masculine/feminine and conservative/liberal) balance each other out through a yin-yang equilibrium. But marriage rates are in decline, disrupting this harmony of the sexes and politics in society.

Liberal women are single and depressed because they refuse to date Christian conservative men. Women claim such men are sexist and bigoted because they are anti-gay and restrict women’s reproductive rights (aka they are anti-abortion). In other words, liberal women refuse to date conservative men because such men only want to have sex with women and do not want to kill their babies. How dare they!

So now liberal women only date liberal men. But such relationships fail to balance each other temperamentally, resulting in increased divorces and dysfunctional families. Children need both a nurturing mother and a disciplining father figure. A liberal father, however, merely duplicates the nurturing mother role. Too much of either (masculinity/discipline vs. femineity/nurture) is no good; children need a healthy balance of both.

While liberal women would like to date a liberal man, most women find no partner at all because there are more liberal women than liberal men. Liberal women are more attracted to liberal gay men than conservative straight men. In other words, they prefer men who will not have sex with them but support their right to abort the pregnancy they will never have.

This is not meant to be an attack on liberal women; you have to feel sorry for them. They have been psyoped by the feminist movement into believing they desire a progressive liberal man as a partner. But deep down, they know they want a right-wing man. Women need a disciplinary male figure just as much as children do—or else they will never have children of their own.

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