Feminism Destroyed Feminism


Traditionally, the majority of a man’s time was spent working to make money to provide for his family, while the majority of a woman’s time was spent finding a man and supporting him so he could work. Then they could start a family together and she would raise and care for the kids, as the work it takes to be a wife and a mother is a full-time job in itself.

The rise of feminism and women in the workplace completely upends the traditional structure of society. Men now face more competition in the workplace because women are vying for the same jobs, so there is less salary to go around. A man cannot as easily earn as much to support a family on a single income.

Furthermore, because men and women are working full-time, neither males nor females have the time to search for a spouse and go on dates, let alone start a family and care for their children. Those who do tend to be the rich (those who can afford nannies) and the poor (those who neglect their children). Neither of these situations is ideal for raising a family.

Beyond all that, because of feminism, the kind of husband women desire does not exist. They want a man who is rich and successful, but there are less rich and successful men precisely because men are now competing against women for wealth and success in the workplace.

The “feminist” movement is now fighting for more paid time off for childcare. Essentially they want what was the default normal before feminism. Mothers got to stay home with their children forever and never needed to worry about money because their husbands took care of that. Women now want to replace their husbands with the government. Feminism as imagined by women cannot exist because it is based on fantasy, not reality.

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