The Ten Commandments of Bitcoin

Sometimes fealty to a coin starts to sound like a religion, or at least is pursued with religious fervor. So I figured it could use a ten commandments style list of rules:

The Ten Commandments of Bitcoin

  1. You shall HODL no other coin but Bitcoin
  2. You shall not make for yourself any other coin and trade it, nor shill it
  3. You shall not take Bitcoin's name in vain
  4. You shall remember and keep Satoshi's name holy
  5. Respect your fellow Bitcoin users
  6. You must not commit Bitcoin murder by sending coins to a dead address
  7. You must not commit Bitcoin adultery by forking it to another chain
  8. You must not commit Bitcoin theft except if you have 51% of the hash rate in which case it's just a feature
  9. You must not lie about being the Bitcoin creator
  10. You must not be envious of your neighbor's wallet size. You shall not be envious of his Lambo, nor anything that belongs to your neighbor (even his mooning shit-coins)
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