Interesting question, right? I mean, I'm sure that It would not be fair to generalize, to say that the only reason why someone is here, why someone is participating of cryptocurrencies is because they want to be rich. I actually happen to know a few people who are not money driven per say, but of course understand the importance of having financial control over their lives. However, the question I'm proposing at the moment is just hypothetical, just because.
It's easy to get excited, to feel that tingle in the back of your head, when you think you are about to hit it big. It makes sense, life if anything is just a game about securing resources, and we've evolved to focus intensely on the activity of collecting resources. I only bring this up, because it's fair to say that there is nothing wrong with the behaviors that have allowed us to survive and thrive, at least not intrinsically, but when it comes to "the crypto revolution" the dynamics sure have idealistic tinges but they are fueled, if you will, by primitive impulses.
This short thought experiment is meant only for those who like to introspect and practice inner dialogue, the crazy ones like myself who often question self conviction. I'm sitting here truly asking myself if there was no bull run coming, if the market would stay where it is for my whole life, would I stay? would I leave?
I somewhat hesitate to share my position on the matter, simply because I would like not to influence anyone reading this, but it's kind of difficult to not just let the words come out.
I think my truth is somewhat lame, but personally powerful. Which is to say, that the reason why I write songs, poetry, essays (yes, I've done those), stories and rants, is because they serve as therapy for my over active mind. I tend to not understand myself and battle with internal paradoxes as a daily routine, hence these writings, these posts, are a visual representation of the battlefield so to speak.
A long winded answer to say: "Yes, I would still be around, I would still be writing... But, my long term plan for financial well being would look quite different, of course"