ALT-Coins making great gains!


So over the last few days DigitalNote (XDN) has been on fire. This is an easy to mine coin, and was really cheap months ago. Buy looking for good buying opportunities and holding for longer term gains you can also make a great income other than day trading.

I still think XVG, SC, XDN, XP, TRX, LEND, and the meme coin DOGE all have more room for higher returns. Some of them may not make it to the return levels I'm looking for, but others will.


Look for gems, and coins with great ideas!

Do your homework, and read the white papers since they are filled with important information. Also you will start to see trends in these papers, and you will begin to look for the subtle differences. The websites will also hold additional information, and you can cross reference names using Linkedin profiles. By doing so you will get a since of who the management team is, and what they have been doing over the years. Also using google there is allot of information, and this can be misleading so always consider competition bias.

I use allot and comb through market caps looking for possible deals, and pick these coins up before there is a chance for mainstream crypto finding them. I'm not looking for pump and dumps but long term gains I can sell the top froth during major rallies.

Until Next time!


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