Cryptocurrency Treder in Indonesia More 1 Million People


JAKARTA - with the lure of high returns from the trade cryptocurrency makes crypto enthusiasts in Indonesia continues to grow.
Ida Nuryanti, Director of the Policy and Supervision Department of Payment System of Bank Indonesia said, "bitcoin trader in Indonesia more than one million people".
In fact, Indonesian banks have banned the use of bitcoin as a means of transaction and investment.
"So we do socialization so that there are no more new players," he said during a visit to the editorial Business Indonesia, Friday (26/1).
therefore, he appealed to the public not to be seduced by the lure of bitcoin investment.
Because it is very risky and full of speculation, because no authority is responsible and there is no official administrator.
"The position of BI is clear, that bitcoin is not a legal means of payment under the Currency Act and warning that all parties do not buy and sell or invest using bitcoin," he said.

Indonesia is one of the largest users of cryptocurrency in the world. this is the concern of the government of Indonesia. however, we Indonesians and as traders of cryptocurrency remain optimistic the Indonesian government will follow policies like other countries, such as korea and japan which have regulated crypto trade and have become legal in that country.

I am sure that Indonesia is still worried about money laundering by corruptors in Indonesia, as well as funding for terrorism. but actually it can be overcome with the control of the traders in the official market of the government of Indonesia.

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