Possible entry points

The entire crypto-market is in troubles but, based on technical analysis, there are some assets that can mark possible entry points for the long-term investor. Most of the major cryptocurrencies are currently at the very end of the triangle pattern, just before a big rally or a sharp drop, we should wait & see but be ready with market orders obviously!

The most popular (and known) open source platform. We saw the ETH dropped below $180 in the past 2 months but it seems that it's not going to disappear completely and according the past 2 years, $200 per 1 ETH seems like a good deal.

We spoke about this asset a lot in the past 11 months, but the most important information (or rumor) is the banks's support, perhaps the main reason for its great rally all the way to $3 at the end of 2017.

Another great asset at the end of the triangle pattern is Monero. Much have been said about this wonderful asset and the anonymity that it can provide to its holders and users but due the whole crypto-market's situation, its value dropped as well.

Non of the above info' should be an investment advice in any kind of way of situation. Invest your money only after you did your research and according you financial abilities and knowledge skills

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