You know what time it is?

It's Time For Change!

It's time for the darn crypto markets to correct back higher already. Enough with the media hype about regulations, thefts, and other FUD. It's time for the world to recognize that fiat isn't the future when the centralized authorities in control of it are becoming less honorable and more authoritarian by the passing day. It's time for the people to claim back control over their money away from the corporate greed that has paid out a on a widening scale between those who claim control over the system and those who labor within it. Why exactly does a bank executive earn hundreds of millions again, other than the fact that we need someone to make decisions at the top? Does that truly justify their compensation when such control doesn't HAVE to be centralized at the top tiers?

This isn't to say "Down With The System", by no means not at all. This is to say, "It's Time For A Change" and technology has brought us there.... now let's see how far governments are willing to suppress the popular demand in order to maintain their power complex.

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