Greek mythology: Stories from hell

Starting a series on why Greek mythology, which was cool as hell in elementary school, really are stories from hell. Writing comes from guilt. boulders
Reflected on 18 months at my new job, and why noone followed me to church; so I felt guilty. Got me thinking about Jesus; why everyday should be talking about the goodness of Jesus. 'In Him we move..we have our being (paraphrased) Then I thought about Biggie Smalls. boulders
You may be ambivalent about heaven, Jesus whatever. Do not be ambivalent about hell. It is the place you do not wish on your worse enemy. boulders
Greek mythology used to be cool. Who was better, Hercules or Achilles. One was 2.0; Hercules was more suave. Then towards the end of elementary, myth became Dante's inferno: the guy pushing a boulder up a mountain or hill, never to reach the crest, only to have the stone roll right back down again, crushing him, starting over again, etc. boulders
Bring in Biggie Smalls. According to YouTube, he gets crushed between boulders daily, for his: misogyny, lyrics, hip hop lifestyle, former dealings with cocaine, murders, unsolved murders, etc. True or not, his lifestyle was not worth it to end up in hell. That's what I believe. boulders
Next we talk about Tupac. You pray for me, I pray for you. I love you. I need you to survive.

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