Black Conservative Patriot - Durham Took over Huber's Clinton Investigation & Voting Machines

I guess all this really proves is Jeff Sessions is a Deep State tool or too cowardly to confront and take on the Clintons. I always thought the Huber investigation was a token move to put Trump off. I think Huber was appointed during Obama years, so it is safe to to assume he is a turd. I hope the good people of Alabama show Sessions the door and put someone else in during primary election.

I hope to God Durham crosses over into the area Huber was supposed to cover and also dig into the FISA court bullshit.

Nancy Pelosi is proving on a daily basis she is unfit for office. She is off her rocker. To say Pelosi is a partisan hack is putting it lightly. Watching her attempts to undermine the Executive Branch and manipulate the upper chamber of Congress is like watching the loony neighborhood busy-body getting in all the neighbors business for nefarious reasons, when it is really none of her business...she is trespassing!!!

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