Its true that with credit cards, there is no need to carry cash, and there is little no reason to write cheques. Credit cards are made easy and can be used almost everywhere from grocery stores, to medical centres, charity organisations, bookstores and so on.
Credit card is actually a way to help holders pay for items when they do not have the exact amount at the moment. With credit cards, you can reserve an hotel immediately without thinking of the amount in your account. As good as credit cards are, they are very dangerous. They can lead to the financial ruin of individuals.
Before the inception of credit card, humans have been buying or transacting on credit among one another. Then, the party who was giving the goods or services in credit would have a book written where all his creditors would be listed and the amount of credit each owe. During this point, the person owing the credit would pay up his credit withing a period of time. With the introduction of credit cards, it became easier as you can now purchase things even without having the money thereby owing the financial institution and not the party involved in the transaction. This debt is called Revolving consumer debt and is always a roll over from the previous month to the new month so the card holder can pay his credit conveniently.
One thing about owning a credit card is that you are opened to opportunities of owning more only if you mess up by not paying at the right time. You will keep getting more credit cards but your credit cards should not give you the liberty to go into debts for things you do not need. Leaving the mall with 6 bags full of goodies you do not need being paid with a credit card card will catch up with you when you are going to payback.
When To Use A Credit card
Credit cards are always with you but can only be valued more when it i used during emergencies or to ave a live and not to acquire debts. Using a credit card in a mall to buy things is not something to be encouraged. When you are going to the mall, you should have a fixed amount you are willing to spend and anything that makes you spend beyond that is going above your budget which is a bad one and it becomes worse when your credit card is used to pay for it.
Your credit card is meant to be a life saver and not a debt maker. The earlier you start to understand how credit cards works and how to use them, the better for you.