Finally something else to talk about. The panic behind this whole Corona Virus thing is laughable to me. You know what was a real pandemic? The Black Death.
The Black Death is estimated to have killed 30% to 60% of Europe's population. In total, the plague may have reduced the world population from an estimated 475 million to 350–375 million in the 14th century.
If only they could see us now running around fretting over 5% kill rates on the most vulnerable demographics. Technology and our cushy lifestyles have made us soft, weak, and fearful.
Don't worry, this was all part of the plan.
Soft, weak, and fearful people are easy to control.
I went to the grocery store yesterday. It was the most packed I've ever seen it. Every checkout line had 5+ full shopping carts instead of 2-3 half-full carts. There was no disinfectant spray left. I watched as scared housewives piled shopping carts full with toilet paper.
Why? WHY!? What's going to happen if you run out of toilet paper? How is this a priority? Why would you run out of toilet paper other than the fact that people are running around panic buying toilet paper? What the actual fuck?
In PAL Discord someone was saying people were scalping packs of toilet paper in Australia for $100. I read a similar thing was going down in Japan. Who the shit is willing to pay $100 for TP? Someone put these suckers out of their misery...
The lady in front of me spent 20 minutes paying with a check.
Really!? I was fully reminded of The Dude paying for milk with a check in The Big Lebowski. Who uses a check? I haven't seen that in a decade.
I have to assume that the general public is being misdirected. Let's get those idiots fretting over toilet paper and cleaning spray rather than actually important things like food/water.
Water is the ultimate resource. If you're going to freak out over this shit at least buy the correct thing. You die if you don't get water for three days. What happens if you don't have toilet paper for 3 days? You take a shower... with water! And Soap! It's not hard! This isn't a logic puzzle. Clean running water is a miracle for modern living.
A Lot of people already got it.
My girlfriend and I are pretty sure we already got this thing like 3 weeks ago. Apparently there was an outbreak at Travis Air Force Base and the timelines sync up pretty well. This thing has been circulating around in America for a month or more now. The exponential growth rates of viruses in general haven't triggered the fear factor until now.
Gestation periods:
On average, one person gives the virus to 2.2 other people. The virus has a very long gestation period in many cases. You could have it for two weeks and not even know. Given these numbers, it's easy to see why it would take a while for a full out outbreak to occur.
Corona Virus makes you very tired and attacks the lungs. Not everyone experiences the same things. My illness started out with a very strange sore throat. I wasn't sure if I was getting sick or if I was having some kind of weirdly mild allergic reaction to something. The next morning I woke up I was sick. The soar throat was worse (but still mild) and I had a fever.
It's been a long time since I had a fever, and again, this one felt weird. I never get tired when I'm sick. I always just take it easy and hang out on my computer playing video games or writing blogs or programming or whatever. I could not do that this time around. I was fully exhausted for 2 days and I found myself in bed a lot more than usual. My girlfriend was very surprised to see me in bed, because she always tells me to go to bed when I'm sick and I'm always like "Nah, fuck that I'm good; bed is boring."
After that I acquired a cough. This thing targets people that have lung conditions. Do not smoke anything if you get sick. My cough was not horrible but three weeks later I still have it. I can see how certain people with asthma or whatever else could be in big trouble.
Again, not everyone has the same symptoms. I talked to another person who may have had it 3 weeks ago as well. She said he was exhausted for for 5 days (contrary to my 2 days) and she had a splitting headache (I never get headaches). Although... when I get sick I will develop a migraine if I absorb too much high frequency light via my computer screen.
Now that I think of it, I was developing that migraine very abnormally quickly during this illness, and I wore my blue-blocker glasses the entire time to avoid it. That ended up working pretty well. Also, I've just 'recently' lost 50 pounds from better diet and exercise, and I don't push myself very hard at work. All these factors could have made it milder for me.
What's the big deal?
The ultimate thing I'm trying to say here is that this whole thing is being blown way out of proportion. Even if I haven't had the disease yet, it is already well documented that 80% of cases are in fact mild and comparable to a regular illness. Many people who have already gotten it don't realize they have and many people who haven't gotten it are terrified that it's going to kill them or someone they know.
The Big Deal
I think the biggest problem with Corona Virus is the fact that high risk patients require medical assistance. These high-risk patients go to a hospital to get that assistance, and they expose a ton more high-risk patients to the illness in that process. Yeah, that's obviously not great. If you're already in the hospital for something else you sure as shit down want Corona Virus on top of what you're already dealing with. Once the hospitals fill up, doctors are having to make the hard choices of who lives and how dies. Patients are being turned away.
Who is high risk?
As with all outbreaks like this, children and the elderly are at risk. What's that you say? Children are not at risk? (More on this later). Other than the elderly, the primary risk factor are those with lung problems. After that, anyone with autoimmune disorders is in trouble (because they are literally in trouble with any virus). That's about it.
- Elderly
- Lung Problems
- Autoimmune Disorders
Everyone is is freaking out over this thing outside of these groups is out of their element.
Of course, don't go giving any hugs to Grandma.
Not children? WTF?
Personally I think it's amazing that this thing isn't killing kids. This is unprecedented. There's some speculation that COVID's attack on the lungs is dependent on environmental factors. Because kids haven't been sucking down chemicals and pollution into their lungs for 40 years they're in the clear.
It's almost like the virus is doing us a favor by only targeting the old farts who got the economy into this mess in the first place. Wow, I haven't even had the chance to talk about how this whole thing is a scapegoat yet.
Let me be very clear:
Someone needs to be blamed for this impending economic collapse. Nothing has been fixed since 2008. In fact, all those factors have become worse. The unsustainable debt bubble will not be fixed with more unsustainable debt. We need to crucify someone. I thought it was going to be Trump and other world leaders. God forbid you blame the central banks, corporations, and unfettered greed that got us into this mess. That's not happening, it needs to be someone else.
Or something else.
Enter Corona Virus. Who could have ever predicted that a pandemic would be the reason our economy fell?!? LOL! C'mon! Really? Yep, it's happening right before everyone's eyes. We don't even have to put the blame on a person or even a group of people. Clearly, it is the virus' fault.
"Bitcoin is not a store of value"
"Bitcoin is not a safe haven asset"
That's what everyone is seeing, correct? Because one day of price action tells the whole story? Look, friends: This bear market is going to last over a year. It will probably last even 2 and possibly 3 years. What a coincidence this is an election year. I wonder who will win (not).
Bernie Sanders (obviously)
The second Trump got elected I was like oh shit Bernie is next for sure. This 'democracy' is an illusion. All these events seal the deal 1000%. The fishtail must continue. First we had Trump, who made all the rich people money... now we will have Bernie, who will make all the rich people money once again... but in a different way. Both sides of the spectrum serve the same master. Get ready to pay that carbon footprint tax... the UBI tax... and whatever else.
The lost year.
They are already calling this the lost year; the year of no gains. Has anyone noticed that Bitcoin already lost that year in a day? The fair market value of Bitcoin in my eyes is $8000. We dropped to $4000 in a day! That's legendary. The odds are good that we don't have to wait a year for that year to be lost. We already lost it. The rest of the economy will flounder for an entire bear market.
The bounce back is going to be real.
Imagine what's going to happen when the Fed keeps printing out TRILLIONS. Imagine the stock market slowly falling over the next 12. What is Bitcoin going to be doing during this time? I'm guessing quite well. We already lost the year.
Remember that Bitcoin has a lot of centralized tethers. Centralized exchanges, ties to multiple corporations, Tether coin itself and other stable coins. When the legacy economy crashes... Bitcoin will crash too due to this tether. However, the weak hands get flushed out pretty damn fast. If Bitcoin is one thing, it's volatile.
A lot of people are going to see this one day of blood in the streets as definitive proof that Bitcoin is not going to do well during this crisis. However, this drop in the legacy economy was caused by a century of unsustainable practices. Bitcoin's drop was only caused by it's tether to the legacy economy. The farther it drops, the weaker that tether gets.
Once Bitcoin shows it's stronger than the stock market, the stock market will reenter and we'll get a whole new round of FOMO and ridiculous volatility. Bitcoin can only anchor the economy if its market cap is higher than the economy's. The anchor must be heavy enough to actually stop the ship from being lost at sea. It currently is not. We are being dragged on the bottom.
The halving event is coming in 2 months. Again, this is bearish on the short-term and mega bullish on the long term. I'm going to be price averaging in over the next 3 months to get the best spread. The volatility here must be contained.
However, 2021 still is on track to be a great year for Bitcoin; maybe the best one ever. In fact, I expect we will retake the doubling line before the end of the year and make it back to 12.8k. Wouldn't that be something?
Corona Virus is not a big deal. The establishment is making it a big deal because it serves their needs. As more and more people get the Corona Virus and recover from it just like every other illness, these fear cycles will dissipate.
The economy was fucked long before COVID came around. Don't be fooled into thinking it is the real problem. The catalyst to the problem is not the problem. Don't shoot the messenger. Don't underestimate Bitcoin when it needs you the most and you need it the most.
The key to trading Bitcoin is to lower volatility. Price-cost average. Never be all in or all out. Always give yourself the wiggle room to maneuver no matter what happens.