The Covid Storyline is the Greatest Scam in World History

We all know Covid was a fabricated event that's helping to Push the Great Reset Scam.

  • With Covid came the Scams as follows ⬇️

  • Digital 🆔

  • Vaccine Passport 🛂

  • Societical Destructive Lockdowns (Destroyed Small Business allowing Corporations to Massively Profit)

  • Societical Destructive Restrictions (All Unscientific & proven to be a Massive Health Hazard, physically and mentally)

  • 15 minute Prison Cities (24/7 mass surveillance in these destructive smart cities which you will require permission to leave your digital bordered district)

  • WHO Pandemic Treaty (Which will allow this Scam Organization to issue Pandemics anytime they feel like, and all country signatories must comply, because this Plandemic Treaty Scam overrides all Laws and Constitutions of the signed Countries)

  • WEF Net Zero Climate Change Scam.

  • WEF Great Reset Scam

  • Indigenous Treaties which they plan on using to Seize people's Private Properties in Rural Lands as to force you into the 15min Prison Cities

  • Make Growing your own Food Illegal (Has already happened in parts of Australia 🦘🌏
    FAKE Fact Check Sites report on the following: "The Agriculture Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 will not prevent people from growing their own food"
    (Oh Really? So then why come out with a Bill that can eventually prevent people from growing their own food?)

  • Etc.,

This is a very dangerous Global Push and those that are ⚠️ warning ⚠️ about this are being attacked and labeled as conspiracy nutjobs.







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