Did you get the covid-19 vaccine to save lives?

So people who have had the covid-19 vaccine keep asking me when are you going to get the vaccine so you can start saving lives? My answer is always the same, there is no covid-19 virus flying around killing people so there is no need for a covid-19 vaccine. They then continue to explain how proud they feel about their new GMO vaccine injection and how they have done their bit to better humanity.🤮


They completely ignore the fact that covid-19 has never been isolated, purified or proven to exist in real life. I have something to say to those that keep repeating that the mRNA and spliced recombinant DNA GMO vaccines are "well researched" so it's safe!

Just because something is "well researched" does not mean it's healthy for you to inject yourself with, to imply it does makes zero logical sense.

These vaccines are available only because of emergency powers activation due to casedemic propaganda which has allowed these GMO transfection drugs to be released to the public without passing proper safety studies.


Eating chillies could pass the vaccine guidelines right now because the chilis would cause the creation of antibodies which is all that's needed for vaccine proof of concept.

So lets look at the modified messenger ribonucleic acid gene therapy injections or as some called them "new forms'' of the vaccines which have been well researched but that does not mean they are safe. There are many research studies that say the opposite actually because there is a high risk of producing antibody dependent enhancements when vaccinating against the common cold antigens aka Coronavirus

The reason the "new form" vaccine is more efficient than the "old form" vaccine is because its a gene therapy targeted biological delvery product with modified mRNA that is put inside a nanoparticle via transfection that fools your life saving defenses into thinking your own DNA made it. It then latches onto your cells and injects the modified messenger ribonucleic acid straight into the cell, hijacking the ribosomes to make poisonous viral proteins that will spread and infect other healthy cells with the hope that your body releases a fierce immune response.

This is well researched and leads to antibody dependent enhancement which leads to early death as shown in the animal studies and we can see it happening in real time as many millions of people are being harmed and the hospitals are being "swamped" with vaccine injury patients.




If you are proud to be vaccinated and always trust or believe the science, you are exhibiting cult behavior and need to seek out help and intervention..👍


Science is a method of understanding; it does not need blind trust or belief it requires skepticism and constant criticism.


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