CBD Can’t Cure Coronavirus, But Can it Help with Flu Symptoms?


Given the current climate let’s get the big question out the way first, CBD is not a cure for Coronavirus. We’d love to tell you differently, but at this point, there’s nothing suggesting it. But with the seasons changing, the worldwide pandemic isn’t the only issue to deal with, cold and flu symptoms can affect any of us around this time. Can CBD help to relieve the symptoms of cold and flu and make life a little easier?

There’s some crossover with flu and Coronavirus, or COVID-19 as it’s called by its friends, sore throat, dry cough, in some cases a runny nose and shortness of breath, whatever the reason, something that can help relieve these symptoms can make all the difference.

How Could CBD Help with Coronavirus Flu Symptoms?

As always, we are making no medical claims here, and nothing we say is stated as fact, there is research being carried out by brainy scientists all over the world, and these knowledgeable folk have seen some positive results, but nothing has yet been proven in terms of flu symptoms.

That being said, let’s discuss a few of the possible ways CBD could help to relieve cold and flu symptoms, in a hypothetical world.

Immune System Support

There has been some evidence to suggest that CBD may (emphasis on the ‘may’ here) assist with supporting the healthy function of the body’s immune system.

The immune system is, obviously, hella important. Having an immune system is what stops us from being ill all the time. This important system fights off toxins and germs that can lead to illnesses, which can commonly show themselves as cold and flu symptoms.

CBD could, as a supplement to a healthy dietary intake of symptoms and a regular pattern of exercise, aid in supporting the immune system, and help to fight off those pesky symptoms.

Pain Relief from Coronavirus

Again, there’s no hard evidence here, and we’re not claiming there is, but CBD is a popular choice as a pain reliever. From those who take CBD for headaches to tattoo creams containing CBD thought to relieve the pain of being stabbed with an inky needle for a few hours, a lot of people link the two.

If (again, if) CBD does have pain relieving qualities, then it could help to relieve the headaches and muscle aches that often come along with Coronavirus flu symptoms, and maybe make life a little more comfortable, and make sleep that little bit easier.

Sleep Assistance

Talking of sleeping easier, here we find another popular use for CBD, and a wealth of anecdotal evidence suggesting CBD could aid with reducing difficulty falling or staying asleep.

When you have cold and flu symptoms, the general barrel of discomfort that you feel can easily have an impact on your ability to sleep, and as we all know, sleep is even more important than usual when you’re not feeling well.

CBD may help you get to sleep, and could help you stay asleep, assisting with general comfort, and allowing your body’s immune system to do its thing uninterrupted as you rest.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Along with the potential pain-relieving and sleep-inducing qualities, it is also possible that CBD has anti-inflammatory properties, in fact, this is one of the favoured suggestions amongst experts when it comes to the potential health benefits of CBD.

As a result, CBD could aid with the relief of inflammation in the airways, perhaps clearing the throat and the sinuses and aiding with breathing.

If these potential benefits work for you, which, again, they may, but are not guaranteed too, then CBD could hypothetically relieve the symptoms of mild upper respiratory tract infections such as cold and Coronavirus flu, and make the world that little bit brighter, even when you’re not feeling so well.

As we’ve said (ad nauseum, we accept, but it’s necessary) none of this is considered scientific fact as yet, but the anecdotal evidence from CBD users and industry professionals make it enough for us to perceive it as worthy of noting here.

If you have your own experiences with taking CBD for assistance with cold and flu symptoms, be sure to let us know in the comments.

Do you use CBD for cold and flu symptoms? Comment below to tell us more about your experiences. If you’ve got any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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