Corona Virus Symptoms and Take Following Precautions ?


Strictly stay away from poultry, seafood, animal products

  • It is widely spread in china, singapore, Malaysia & US is also reported to have Corona virus infections.

India reported 11 cases

Corona Virus Symptoms

  • The symptoms of most coronavirus severe cold,coughing,sneezing,respiratory issues,including fever sometimes,difficulty in breathing are few very common symptoms.

Since it is virus... take following precautions

  1. Drink boiled water

  2. Stop non veg

  3. Take vitamin C, Zinc, B complex daily RDA Dose for prevention

  4. Strictly follow personal hygiene

  5. Decoction of Tulsi, Ginger, Pepper, Curcumin in hot water helps immensely

  6. Guduchi treats fever & enhances immunity

  7. Take hot rasam or vegetable soups.

Antibiotics will not work on coronavirus

Drink hot water like tea sip by sip.

Dr. Sharad Kasarle

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