WHALE | GIRL | CANDLE - #ContestCoin Art Contest Entry

Art by me, MajorMajorMajorThom

I've been spending a lot of time on Photoshop these days, scratching an artistic itch I've always had, but unfortunately never really got to fulfil as I quite honestly can't draw to save my life.

And man, do I enjoy it immensely!

Then, I came across @adelepazani post for the #contestcoin Art Contest, and I thought, "Hey, I can do this!"

So, I spent most of the day working on a piece, forgot to eat breakfast and lunch because there was always just one more thing I had to tweak, and came up with this:


Which I was happy with, but only kinda-sorta.

Then, I had another idea I wanted to try. I'm really into the collage aesthetic at the moment, and I wanted to try incorporate that idea into the piece.

Cut to another four hours later, and there is a finished product, my entry above St the top of this post, which I am happy with to an even greater degree.

Every story over the past month or so features a brand new art piece of mine, and I probably spend more time on Photoshop than I do writing my fiction (which is most likely an inversion), but I do really have fun, so there's that.

At this point, I'm making a new piece every day, which is pretty awesome, which I will be posting once I finish writing the next posts.

I really had a good time making this, and it always amazes me how quickly time passes when I'm working on a project., I'm definitely looking forward to the next contest!

Until the next time, I'll see you in the comments!

You're more than welcome to download the full-res image over on my DeviantArt.

All images are CC0 Creative Commons, sorced from either Pixabay, Pexels, or PxHere.

Scribo, Specto, Lego, Cogito,

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