Win 50+ SBD with the Curiosity Lottery !
Join the lottery and make a chance of winning the JackPot !
Hey everyone, we have added a Jackpot to the Curiosity Lottery !!
To start off we are funding 50 SBD to the Jackpot, and with every lottery ticket 0.5 SBD will be added to it. This will make the Jackpot ever growing until someone guessed the Jackpot lottery number right !
How does it work ?
Curiosity Lottery is a daily lottery that you can join on any server that @curiositybot is added to. The lottery cost is 1.5 SBD were of 1 SBD will go to the lottery prize pool, and 0.5 SBD goes into the Jackpot. The Jackpot has a 2 digit number assigned to it, this can range from 01 to 99. When you buy a ticket you have to choose number in this range.
At the end of the lottery @curiositybot will announce if someone guessed the Jackpot code or not. If someone guessed the Jackpot code right he or she will receive the amount in the Jackpot. If no one guessed the Jackpot code right, the Jackpot will remain and keep growing until someone wins it.
Where to enter the lottery / How to play ?
First you need to join SteemSpeak Discord. On this server you can immediately start playing the lottery. Also the Lottery and the Jackpot winners will be announced on this server.
The Lottery on your own server ?
Yes, you can have the lottery also on your own Discord server. Simply CLICK HERE to invite @curiositybot, and everyone in your server will be able to join the lottery right away ! But do remind that the results of every lottery can be found on SteemSpeak Discord !
How does the lottery command work ?
When you want to join the lottery you simply type .Lottery Buyin Code. The Code is the Jackpot code, and can be a number ranging from 01 - 99. So for example if i want to buy a lottery ticket with the lucky numbers 78 ? I would type this .Lottery Buyin 78 to enter.
Win a free lottery entry !
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After 7 days 1 person will be picked. Keep an eye on your wallet history, as we will send the winner the instructions to join the lottery.
And to all lottery contestants !