The Confidence Project Entry 1: Identifying My Area/s of Focus

I believe that no matter how amazing or good we are in the eyes of other people, there are really things that we wanted to change in order to improve how we see ourselves. In those terms, we are considering those things as great contributors on how much we could improve which would level up our self confidence in return.

I am joining the @thegaillery's confidence project because I want to seek further guidance in forming and developing an aspect of myself. With whatever result or learning I may get from this initiative, I will use it to propel other areas of focus for betterment.

My chosen area of focus may not be as overwhelming as the other entries, but honestly enough, this is an aspect of myself I have been struggling to improve.

Area of focus

To look good and feel better about myself.

What do I mean?

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Oops, before anything else, let me clarify that I am beyond thankful for what I am. When it comes to self-respect and self-worth, I know how I should put it. It's just that I could feel that there are still a lot to improve in bringing up myself.

When I was in my elementary days, I was boyish and was even called "tomboy" + my boyish name (hahahahah i love my name though).
When I was in high school, I was so into my academics that really, I do not mind how do I look but really wanted to look better. Hahaha
When I was in college, gosh! Girls of my age really looked ladies already plus they're really effortless. While here's me, still in denial that I also want to look/feel good. I even attempted to choose the skirt uniform of our school to really look more girly. Hahaha but still, no luck. The masculine side of me really dominates.

So, I hope you're getting my point.

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Three things or activities that I could do to build an accurate view of this skill (is this a skill?)

  1. I bought girly clothes and I wear them in the office. Good thing, our office wouldn't allow us to wear T-shirts. My teammates are really supportive in my "To more babae moments this 2018" (To more lady moments this 2018).

  2. I tell myself every morning that I look good.

  3. Whenever my boyfriend compliments me (which he does everytime he sees me) or someone does, I try my very best not to laugh it out but rather appreciate it.

Yep, that's all. I am looking forward of what this project could bring in relation to my area of focus. I hope that you would appreciate my entry because really, I gave myself a lot of time to thought this over before I decided to divulge this in this initiative.


"There's always a room for improvement."


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Thank you so much! ❤️

*If you haven't joined this confidence project, I encourage you to join. For more details, click here.

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