My entry in color of the day green sponsored by @kalemandra
Water melon is a vine fruit that is native in Southern Africa but it was cultivated in Egypt.
The health benefits of water melon
Treats kidney disorder
It can treat because of high potassium con-
tent that is helpful in cleansing the toxic
waste in our kidney. It is also helpful in redu-
cing the formation of uric acid in our blood.
It can induce urination which is helpful in
cleansing our kidneys.Prevent heat stroke
It can reduce our body temperature as well
as our blood pressure. The high amount of
water stimulates the release of excess liquid
in the form of sweat which cools our body.Treat cancer
Because of high level of lycopene, this fruit
is good to prevent cancer.Controls diabetes
If one of our family member sufferred
diabetes, this fruit can be a good supple-
ment for them because the vitamins and
minerals found in this fruit like potassium
and magnessium can help in proper func-
tioning of insulin in our body.Prevent macular degeneration
If we eat plenty of water melons, our eyes
are well protected because of beta carotene,
vitamin c, lutein, zeaxanthin found in this
fruit.Cures impotence
It can cure male problem because of argi-
nine found that can boost their libido.
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