Enjoy a cup of coffee and a snack


Enjoying a cup of coffee will feel less if you don't eat food. Then, what food is actually suitable to be a companion of a cup of coffee?

Menikmati secangkir kopi akan terasa kurang jika Anda tidak makan makanan. Lalu, makanan apa yang sebenarnya cocok untuk menjadi pendamping dari secangkir kopi?

fried foods and pinch cakes



if I think it's a pinch cake. This cake is also quite tasty and sweet, usually people who are drinking coffee at the cafe cafe snack cubit cakes and fried fried foods such as fried bananas, tempeh, tofu and so on

jika saya pikir itu kue pinch. Kue ini juga cukup enak dan manis, biasanya orang yang sedang minum kopi di cafe cafe ngemil kue dan gorengan goreng seperti pisang goreng, tempe, tahu dan sebagainya.

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