So it begins...
The framework for understanding at (or perhaps through) Fortculture, revolves around the "big idea" that vast swathes of America, Britain and Europe, are regressing backwards towards another Dark Age, just as virulent as the one sub-Rome.
The West's peoples often manipulated by a powerful Military-Industrial-Media Complex, its intelligent masters pulling the strings behind the scenes via societal programming in order to elicit, harness, manipulate and control, thoughts, feelings and behaviours, as we cycle through birth, life and death. I find it hard for example, to ignore how governments responded to Covid eliciting and feeding off limbic-driven hysteria.
The underlying reasons for this character regression we're getting to know well, as we dive deeper scientifically, unlocking the hidden mechanisms of our physiology, exploring the deeper biological and behavioural underpinnings of social change shaping our identity right down to our DNA. This includes the rise and fall of entire civilisations, thus modern West = late-stage Rome.
It is my firm belief however, that our reality is far worse today given where we sit on our unique civilisation cycle because AI (proliferating from late-stage America) has now arrived on scene just as mental health deteriorates. We predict that this will prove to be a worrisome combination of "Temperamental Regression" vs "Accelerating Artificial Intelligence". Another way to think of this phenomenon would be "Diminishing Returns vs Increasing Complexity."
It is vital that you understand this emerging phenomenon playing out. It is not simply "primeval humans, medieval institutions and God-like technologies", but the widening of intelligence itself as we regress temperamentally back to single cells, and AI accelerates to something we will not be able to comprehend anymore than say a chimp could comprehend someone like Elon Musk. Imagine trying to teach a chimp rocket science?
Yes, we do have enormous "downrange risks" as we move from Narrow-AI to General-AI to perhaps Super-AI, but as we progress from Narrow-AI to General-AI, we can already detect ominous signals from noise:-
"We're summoning the demon" -Elon Musk
Think of the evolution and speed of various tools:-
Arrows 72,000 - 60,000 BC
Swords 3300 BC
Bombs 1115–1234 AD
Bullets 1826 AD
Tanks 1916 AD
Nukes 1933 AD
Narrow AI 1951 AD
General AI ?
Super AI ?
Find your fortress citadels, build your firewalls and try to shield yourselves from empires rising, falling and competing, just as events speed up out there towards their logical conclusion. We aren't simply heading towards an "event horizon" (as opposed to singularity), things are in fact speeding up.
Interestingly, Italy just banned ChatGPT citing "privacy concerns".