Biden "Fumes on Fumes" at OPEC+ price hike

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Good morning Hive!

Empire shakes violently, Biden fumes on fumes...

OPEC+ is responding logically/pragmatically to the Fed which was forced to jack rates at unprecedented speeds!

OPEC+ wants to ensure "price stability" in their regions, so they need higher prices. If they want higher prices, they all get together & "cartel". They then laugh hysterically at Joe Tzu, agree to slash production (classic supply & demand dynamic).

It also helps to pummel Biden further because we all need low oil prices to survive, no one wants to eat bugs & we tend to signal this politically.

As for Vladmir Putin?

He's going to be smiling yet again as he slaps Biden around for fun. I'm starting to feel sorry for the guy. It also looks like he's losing his proxy war with Russia. Meanwhile, Zelensky's being placed under enormous pressure, forced to prepare for one final counterattack before it's probably game over, so we should expect that soon (if he's able to at this point). We'll see what's happening on that front as it unfolds. I'm also starting to see reports that Wagner mercs have planted a flag in the centre of Bakhmut. Zelensky's probably right to throw men into the "grinder" given signal it sends should it fall & it looks like it's falling.

We must remember that the Fed was forced to raise interest rates last year to try to tame energy/food inflationary chaos that Biden triggered since assuming office. Lockdowns + Net Zero + Backfiring War = Chaos.

A fragile US/European banking system has already started to implode (SVB) & it seems to be on life-support. 'Strategic Petroleum Reserves' are being run into the ground without replenishment, much to the frustration of Republicans.

Biden through his strategic folly, seems to be sacrificing the Petrodollar, Empire & United States, all for his incompetent & incoherent ideology. The Fed will probably be forced to slash rates, digitally print again at some point this year because next year, we have Presidential elections looming & Dems have evidently failed to learn their lessons by indicting Trump on 'trumped-up' charges. He's increasingly seen as a major political threat, his rise & resurrection, so let's weaponise the justice system, not satisfied with crushing Empire but the "United" part of the States too!

This signals to some, that it really is the digitally-gold paved road to hyperinflation. Precisely why Bitcoin was born 2008 & why by 2030s, it could look like ~$1Mn. I can see the shiny road to this dollar-denominated price target, as the network of the protocolar-wise increases.

The decline of a civilisation & empire, comes with strategic consequences. Some are ahead of the curve re civilisational-risk, early warning, and personal development.

Not the "End of History" but "End of an Order", thus our motto befits the times 👉 "protecting your future, preserving your past: fortifying your world against civilisational risk."

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