Why Christ is Not Man but God

No debate would be feasible tackling an issue that Christ is man. “Christ is man” does not even qualify as proposition since Christ had pre-existence. He was not man such that His “manhood” was only a manifestation from a greater form. A proposition is something offered that can be accepted or denied and therefore must be complete in itself.

Granting that Christ was man, it was only true in His earthly body in His more or less 33 years on earth and after having served a purpose, was subject to a resurrection that enabled Him to return to His true form. Such 33 years therefore was only a temporary state. More yet, it was not the beginning of Christ’s existence since He already was before the creation of the world. Therefore, claiming that Christ is man and adding more lies that He was and will remain a man when He comes back is indeed a pack of lies. That is not possible with the frailties of human beings.

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Source: Mr. Controversy

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