A Reflection on Daniel's Tweet

Finger is on the pulse. As collapse happens all around us, I would like to reflect on this truth.

Interestingly enough the answer to many of our worlds problems can be thought of in a most decentralized way. On an individual level we must overcome our darker side's temptations, the effects of a principled personal victory will ripple throughout the spiritual realm which in turn manifests into the physical. The more humans who understand this and engage in this practice will compound the positive effect greatly.

The Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. I believe that commandment to be the greatest unifying code man can ever follow in order to establish mutual respect among a diverse human population.

Let us continue to weave the Golden Rule into our personal lives and our Saturday meetings through showing great respect to our fellow members and may God guide us through these times of tribulation. Jesus Christ is King !

Painting by Akiane Kramarik

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