China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-10-25



'Act prudently': China slams EU Parliament over Taiwan resolution, warns of red lines

"China has slammed the European Parliament for adopting a symbolic but strongly worded resolution that denounced Beijing for its "attempts to distort history and international rules" to justify its territorial claims over Taiwan.
In a text adopted on Thursday with 432 votes in favour and 60 against, lawmakers also urged China to immediately cease its "continued military operations," "economic coercion" and "hostile disinformation" campaign against the self-ruling democratic island.
[...] the Parliament "underlines that UN Resolution 2758 takes no position on Taiwan; strongly rejects and refutes the PRC's attempts to distort history and international rules," and callis on the EU to support "Taiwan's meaningful participation" in international organisations.
In their joint plea, lawmakers stressed their respect for the One-China principle but insisted it was up to Taiwanese people to "democratically decide how they want to live.""

--- Taiwanese deciding over Taiwan? That's outrageous!

""China strongly deplores and opposes this egregious breach of the one-China principle and interference in China's internal affairs," a spokesperson of the Chinese Mission to the EU said"

--- Yawn...


Is China peeved – or pleased – by North Korean troops in Ukraine?

"“China does not have information on that and our position on the Ukraine crisis is consistent and clear. We always believe that all parties need to promote the deescalation of the situation and strive for a political settlement,” Lin said at Friday’s daily news briefing in Beijing."

--- Lalala ...

"China has no interest in the rise of a militarily strengthened and emboldened North Korea that might take greater risks and bring chaos to the region"

--- Meh. China is mainly peeved because its influence on North Korea is decreasing.

"“In many ways, China benefits from North Korean support for Russia as it reduces the pressure on Beijing to support Moscow with direct military aid while also straining the military capacities of the United States,” said Troy Stangerone of the Wilson Center in Washington.
David Maxwell, vice president at the Center for Asia Pacific Strategy, said China “may be quietly pleased” as North Korea offers a “convenient cut out” to send lethal aid and now troops to help Putin.
“Xi likely does not want Putin to fail, but he does not want to get his hands dirty by providing lethal aid from China to Russia,” he told RFA Korean. “Xi can keep his hands clean while KPA troops fight and die for Putin.”"

--- Could be.


What's next for China and India as Modi, Xi start over?

"Both India's Narendra Modi and China's Xi Jinping made public pledges to improve ties, and praised the recent progress towards solving territorial disputes in the Himalayas."

--- Grmph... German media keep harping about this 'reset' & 'thaw'. But the agreement is essentially just about disengagement of troops & who is allowed to patrol at what times. Territorial disputes are not being solved.


China’s Gains in Quantum Threatened by Lack of Talent, Self-Sabotaging Competition, Leading Chinese Academic Warns

"China’s quantum sector is hindered by a shortage of elite professionals and an internal culture that discourages creativity
[...] Yu notes that China’s quantum sector suffers from a “lack of ingenuity,” which, he argues, can be traced to the country’s research culture and talent cultivation practices. Speaking to Shanghai-based media outlet The Paper, Yu highlighted two main obstacles: limited emphasis on cultivating technical expertise and periodic surges in research activity that lead to what the Chinese refer to as nei juan, or involution — a state where competition becomes self-destructive as researchers focus on short-term gains rather than genuine innovation"

--- Welcome to China. That's not only a problem in quantum technology, but in all fields of research in China.



Trump and Vance possible targets of China-backed cyber attack

UK to increase military presence in Indo-Pacific to counter China



--- China Uncensored features the usual weekend news variety:


--- CNBC: How China Uses Mexico To Avoid U.S. Tariffs

--- CNBC: Elizabeth Economy discusses challenges to China's economic transition



Russland und China lassen Antarktis-Konferenz scheitern

"Der anhaltende Widerstand beider Länder verdeutlicht laut Özdemir einmal mehr, «dass Russlands Interesse an konstruktiver globaler Zusammenarbeit gleich null ist und leider auch China die kurzfristige Ausbeutung schützenswerter Meeresressourcen wie Krill über deren langfristige Erhaltung stellt.»"

--- Ist jemand überrascht?


China drängt Autohersteller neue Fabriken in Europa zu stoppen

"Peking fordert die Hersteller laut Bloomberg dazu auf, die aktive Suche nach Produktionsstandorten in Europa und die Unterzeichnung neuer Verträge auszusetzen, und sich während der laufenden Verhandlungen über EU-Zölle auf chinesische Elektrofahrzeuge generell zurückzuhalten, so die Personen, die nicht namentlich genannt werden wollten. Die staatliche Dongfeng Motor Group habe als Reaktion auf die Mahnungen bereits Pläne zur möglichen Herstellung von Autos in Italien gestoppt"

--- Es geht dabei vermutlich nicht so sehr um eine Reaktion auf die Zölle (der Bau von Fabriken schon eher), sondern um Angst, daß die EU zu großen Einfluß auf die Hersteller bekommt & daß Arbeitsplätze aus China abfließen. Angeblich hat die KPCh auch Angst vor Technologieklau, aber das ist wohl eher ein Witz.



Chinesische Hacker griffen offenbar Handys von Trump und Vance an


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