China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-10-22



Xi meets Putin at BRICS summit in Russia

""China is willing to work with all parties to ... usher in a new era of joint self-reliance in the Global South, and jointly promote world peace and development," Mao said"

--- Translation: 'China wants an era of Chinese domination with a pax sinica.'


Europe Should Emulate Biden’s Restrictions on Chinese Smart Cars

"The EU’s proposed tariffs of up to 45 percent – much lower than 100 percent duties imposed by the United States – are too low to be effective, as Chinese EV makers are expected to simply lower their hefty margins and absorb the impact."

--- Yep.

"The U.S. rule is not driven by alarmism or protectionism. It aims to create a firewall against a potential influx of mostly Chinese smart cars into the U.S. market that would pose significant cybersecurity and supply chain risks to critical infrastructure and sensitive data."

--- Yep.

"Beijing could remotely access vehicles to exfiltrate data, sabotage their operations, and even disrupt the critical infrastructure that cars connect to via 5G, WiFi, satellite, and Bluetooth."

--- Yep.

"Foreign automakers in China are subject to onerous data localization and cybersecurity rules, arbitrary audits, and physical tampering of their business systems – all products of Beijing’s years-long quest to dominate global markets in advanced industries."

--- Something morons like Dudenhöffer conveniently forget to mention whenever they critcize European 'protectionism'.

"The United States is already looking beyond vehicles, eyeing similar regulations for a range of connected technologies, including drones, robotics, batteries, satellite ground stations, and cloud computing. These efforts should be vigorously pursued."

--- Yep. If only more European leaders would wake up, too.


China and Vatican agree to extend controversial bishops deal

"The Chinese government confirmed that it had reached a provisional agreement Tuesday on appointing bishops in the East Asian country for a further four years.
The accord, which was previously renewed every two years, gives China's Communist officials possible input into whom Pope Francis appoints.
[...] The Vatican confirmed the agreement. "The Vatican ... remains dedicated to furthering the respectful and constructive dialogue" with China, it said in a statement."

--- No surprise there. The current pope likes commies. (The surprise is that even under him the Vatican still has official relations to Taiwan.)


Condemned Uyghur official dies in prison in China’s Xinjiang region

"Bawudun and another high-ranking Uyghur official, Sattar Sawut, were given two-year suspended death sentences in 2021 in a stunning decision that critics said showed that even Uyghurs loyal to the Communist Party couldn’t escape persecution in Xinjiang.
It was unclear when Bawudun passed away. But a source familiar with the situation who wished to remain anonymous for security reasons told Radio Free Asia that when family members requested a video meeting with him in late July, authorities informed them that he had died in prison.
Relatives are shocked by the news of his death, which they described as mysterious, according to the source. During their last video call in March, family members didn’t observe any signs of illness or physical weakness"

--- Unlike in other cases, the CCP obviously didn't have a problem to let him die in prison, probably because he had been sentenced to death. Usually they would release people shortly before they die.



China’s ‘little pink’ nationalists slam Feihe over Japanese ties

China holds live-fire drills on island closest to Taiwan

Myanmar rebels seize major border gate near China



--- China Unscripted: "Why Do We Allow Ourselves to be Bullied by These People? | Lord Chris Patten"



Erneuerung des Abkommens zwischen China und dem Vatikan über die Bischofsernennung

"Wenige Stunden später bestätigte der Vatikan. Die neue Unterschrift der beiden Parteien unter das vorläufige Abkommen - dessen Gültigkeit ab heute für die nächsten 4 Jahre gilt - folgt der des ersten zweijährigen Erneuerung im Jahr 2020 und der des zweiten zweijährigen Erneuerung, die genau vor zwei Jahren, am 22. Oktober 2022, unterzeichnet wurde.
In der offiziellen Mitteilung, die die Nachricht übermittelt, wird die Entscheidung, die nach "angemessenen Konsultationen und Bewertungen" getroffen wurde, mit den "erzielten Einigungen für eine fruchtbare Anwendung" des Abkommens über die Ernennung der Bischöfe begründet. Es wird klargestellt, dass die "Vatikanische Seite entschlossen bleibt, den respektvollen und konstruktiven Dialog mit der Chinesischen Seite fortzusetzen, um die bilateralen Beziehungen im Hinblick auf das Wohl der katholischen Kirche im Land und des gesamten chinesischen Volkes zu entwickeln""

--- War zu erwarten, da der derzeitige Papst nunmal sehr kommifreundlich ist.



Beim Gaspreis hört die Freundschaft auf

Ein Thailand-Trip, Joints und Kokain – wie ein hoher VW-Manager sein China-Visum verzockte


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