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Cheaters Never Win! Copy/Repost for @coininstant!

Since he is blocked. This is Karen Vs Karen now,

lol see i am @kdtkaren! duh!🤐
If it's all fun and games, then why do they need to take my game pieces away???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
bernies.jpg ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

We'll he coulda' fooled me!

Today I caught @karenmckersie coercing my "good buddy" @themarkymark into blocking me 100% from! I was shocked, however luckily Marky had to explain to her how I was already Blocked off of all the centralized Steemit Node Services & how there was not much more they could do 😉 - & the best thing to do would be to ignore me! I'm glad they can't do much more because this is my public blockchain too just as much as hers. It was a shameful act on her part today to to try and suggest to Marky that they need to "fix" me? Whatever the hell that is supposed to mean? Sounds like a threat from @karenmckersie to me! Not Funny! Sounds like she was asking for the game to be rigged in her favor once more! No wonder, thats why I'm flagging' her ass, and will do many more in the future!

To this day it is still shocking for me dealing with getting blocked from!

I never thought it could happen to me. It makes everything harder to do, all the little things that you take for granted like posting, commenting, reading, writing, voting, & posting images. You name it, they took it away! Even the thumbnail at the top of this post was ripped away somehow after I shared it in a comment to @kawaiicrush last night! Today for this post I had to go all the way to my backup screenshots to even retrieve another copy of Bernies being soft and gamey!

The worst part about being blocked is when my post get totally removed from the server before the 7 day finalization period.


When this happens there is nothing I can do about it other than keep calm and keep on moving forward slowly through this toxic sludge landscape I call my Steemit home. I was here before @karenmckersie, I remember her first introduceyourself post. She overused emojis a lot in the beginning, had a garden. She has come a long way with her art gifs though, although it still doesn't mean I need to like her anymore when I see her fraternizing with the trash scum while supporting the very beasts stripping me of my SP! I had even put @karenmckersie in my steemvoter for over 2 years, and this is the way she repays me now after I simply take back a few pennies from her posts here & there? The truth is I think she turned into a mad Bid Bot abuser! I used to be one too, but I changed! I think she is overpaid with bid-bot votes end of story, I don't agree with her rewards as is my right!

Flagging any post for any reason is not illegal, it is just the way the system was built!

I'm not sure why they cry foul all when I simply do the same things as them. I probably am the most flagged person on steemit at the time of this writing, and it is sick! At least I deserve to defend myself plain and simple! They are allowed to grey me out ay after day, post after post, but the second I grey other people - they deem it unacceptable? I'll stop complaining now & show you the conversation between that made me mad today: (below)

Marky calls me the Toxic Troll, Aww I'm flattered, that means a lot coming from him! lol! ❤️

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"coininstant and honusurf cannot hide posts/comments anymore as they are banned from Steemit owned nodes but kdtkaren can but she doesn't have a lot of power."

--- @themarkymark

This statement above shows shows Steemit discrimination by SP in action! I got blocked for having a little more power than other people! How come this @kdtkaren account can grey? lol I thought growing our SP was the goal! Kind of unfair advantage if you ask me! Seems like there are different rules for different steemians depending on how much SP you have. And what I get more SP, then what? Will I get banned from every frontend? As an investor these rules scare me. Blocked off Palnet was one thing, but is another story entirely! Not Fair! This post is probably going to get blocked too.

Here's the part that pisses me off the most though, when Karen suggests they do something about this behavior!

To me this is not bad behavior, it is simply me using my STEEM given right to Flag her! She is nutz that's why I'll be flagging her a lot more, especially now!

Steemit constantly flags me and greys out my posts, I still don't understand why they would take that ability away from me, if it is just a game, why not at least make the game fair?

None of this would have ever happened if @swelker101 would have not banned me from the communities in the first place, and if @berniesanders would have quit flagging me with the bots a long time ago. This is what they like. is hypocritical situation to say the least, & an uneven playing field at best, but I don't whine and complain any more, I just flag back and state facts!
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@swelker101 should have followed his own advice in the beginning.

If he would have simply just ignored me instead of causing all this drama none of this would be going on today. #swelker-butterflyeffect!

The fact of the matter is, both of us have been here since July 2016, (I joined a few weeks before her I believe,) however I managed to stack up a hell of a lot more SP than her!

Not my fault that now she needs to whine and beg from others to bend the rules for her?????! CHA-as f! lol kuz Get a life @karenmckersie, this is real life, and I'm winning at the game - even with slanted rules stacked up against me - bitch! so STFU! Especially when you leave me breadcrumbs and do stupid stuff like today! Step off, quit now if you don't like it, I'm here to stay for the long haul! I'm only getting worse soon, you all will find out soon enough! lol Stay Tuned to find out & follow @coininstant for more!
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