Daily Celestial Challenge : (Monday) - Darkness

The Dark Side Of Universe - Strange Universe


We humans are an inquisitive lot. We want to know the how and why of the things, and so far we've done a pretty god job of sussing out the mysteries of the universe. But every solved question begets an unanswered enigma and some of them are real doozies.

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
Albert Einstein 

Dark Energy


Maybe its an unknown force of energy, comprising about 70% of the universe. Possibly it;s a mysterious property of gravity. Might even be the influence of unseen dimensions or universes. Oh, and it seems to be causing to be our universe to accelerate its expansion.



NASA's wide field infrared survey telescope is a proposed space telescope that will investigate whether cosmic acceleration is truly an energy or is a gravitational phenomenon.

Dark Matter


Like dark energy, it inhabits the shadows of perception and its presence is inferred from its gravitational effects and nothing more. To explain it, physicists invoke WIMPs and MACHOs, axions and extra dimensional topological defects in space time and even the insufficiency of general relativity. But we're still in the dark.

Euclid 2020


The ESA's proposed Euclid mission will investigate the nature of dark matter by accurately measuring cosmic expansion.

The Arrow Of Time


We all know that time is directionally asymmetric and it only moves forward and a broken egg never spontaneously reassembles. Some blame the second law of thermodynamics and others chalk it up to the dark energy. And some whisper of a time before time, an epoch preceding the Big Bang theory when looked back. 

Space Based Gravitational Wave Observatories 2030


Super sensitive Space arrays may allow us to study ripples in space that emanate from before the Big Bang itself and microcosmic fossils encoding information about conditions before our universe began.

New Worlds To Conquer


Our universe may be merely one in an endless series of repetitions or perhaps our familiar space time is but one of many, floating like jellyfish in a hyper spatial sea called the Bulk. And who knows what permutations the life principle has explored in our universes.



Future missions like ESA's polarized radiation imaging and spectroscopy mission will map the cosmic microwave background with unprecedented resolution , and possibly detect the radiation signature of universes beyond our own.

A Schizoid Cosmos


Why does predominate matter over anti matter?. They're equal but opposites and during the early universe should have destroyed each other and left nothing behind. But enough matter was left to form billions of galaxies , stars, planets and carbon based lifeforms.

Large Hadron Collider


The 'Beauty Experiment' at the large hadron will seek in coming years to understand the enigma of the matter or anti matter disparity by studying the interactions of b-hadrons.

Thank you for stopping by, that is all for my today's entry for #celestialchallenge. So keep Loving and keep supporting  @mohdsaadshahid. God Bless You All.

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