A Call For Help - From the Northern California Fires - All SBD & SP From the Post Go Toward Fire Relief Fund

I'm writing with a heavy heart. I live within a 30 minute drive from the fires in Northern California that are devastating our communities. Since last Sunday 15 fires have scorched 220,000 acres, destroyed an estimated 5,700 structures and caused at least 38 deaths. (http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-california-fires-20171014-story.html)

A few of my friends have lost their homes. We are lucky and the fire has not reached us, but our bags are packed and ready to go if we need to evacuate.

I don't have much to say right now, except how sad this all is, and how grateful I am for the community that has stepped up and helped in every way possible to victims of the fire. I have been working for the past few days organizing a benefit and silent auction for those affected by the fire, and have been overwhelmed with community members wanting to help.

All SP and SBD from this post will go towards The North Bay Fire Recovery Fund (a coalition of diverse, local organizations including: The Farmers Guild, Community Alliance with Family Farmers, North Bay Organizing Project, Daily Acts, the School Box Project, Arlene Francis Center, Sebastopol Grange, Sierra Club Redwood Chapter and Conservation Action.) http://www.farmersguild.org/north-bay-fire-relief.html

Many thanks to the community. In love and resilience.

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