This was in fact a career which was a priority of a non-governmental educational institution in the city. I was told to take some students for the talk show, I was actually a teacher at school. I was great about it because the information arrived very late and I corrected myself for the weekends. The students started to beg, I had no choice but to respect their feelings.
We went there and the talk show started. Basically he was a career choice for junior high school students. I didn't find it important for me at first because I'm already an undergraduate.
When the speaker started talking, he said something about career. Each career has two departments, a practical direction and a business direction. You do this career, or you're doing the job division of your career. Then I realized, and then I realized that I shouldn't do my job, and I might be interested in the division of labor.
I enjoyed the conversation program which I did not want to attend and I smiled from it.
In addition to what I learned from this show program, I think that every career is more than just two aspects. There are three aspects of what I think and research so far.
Application, work and teaching direction. But it doesn't apply to all career.
You're either practicing, you're teaching in business-based or tertiary institutions.
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