Flower vs. Oil


Greetings Steemers and Stoners!

I wanted this next post to be about a debate that will probably never end in the Cannabis Community.

What do you prefer or enjoy to medicate with more? Cannabis in it's flower form, or some kind of extraction such as Hash, BHO (Butane Hash Oil), Solventless Oil, etc.. ?

Personally I have been on semi both sides of this coin, as when quality clean BHO and solventless started to appear in my area, I would have probably tipped my hat to the oil side slightly. I have had some of the cleanest BHO around and made some of my own rosin as well as enjoyed others' solventless. When clean, (notice a theme here;) (unpurged bho is poison!) BHO's THC content can be astronomically higher than that of it's flower counterpart and it should also have a similar taste profile. That being said even though that may be true, there is something about loading up a bowl of some fresh greens, that I will never be able to compare too.

As of this writing and the last year or so I have gone back to flower almost exclusively as when it comes down to it, the taste is just too good to leave for too long.

Of course everyone's taste buds are different and for me, I'm picky with my flower as I prefer true OG strains and other various indicas. I don't really care for the taste of Sativa's, although in oil for I never had that problem and the taste was more acceptable to me. Not sure why that is but weird how things work!

Be sure to share what you prefer in the comments below! Hope you guys like the photos too!

Top Photo- Fire OG (Indica)- Good Vibes Farms
Bottom Photo- Orange Sour Patch (BHO) / Aftangie (Solventless) TLC, Los Angeles, CA


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