The Conservatives, however austere and crud they may be, represent, in theory at least, the national sovereignty interests vs Liberal/NDP globalist central banking agenda, which apparently is crumbling down all over the world, leaving Trudeau's Liberals looking very foolish holding the empty bag of promises, almost alone in the former G7-20 glory days, to join which his father had to change the Bank of Canada act in 1974, thus ending the interest free borrowing by the Canadian government from our national bank.

Most of the Canadian infrastructure was built prior to 1974, which is telling, for ever since the taxes are spent to pay the interest of borrowing while the borrowing is done to pay for the budget, which is completely wrong way of how it should be.

Now the blockchain technology offers better methods for the ledgers, remittances, proof of work and smart contracts.
The banking industry is being challenged by the national governments and the private sector.

The globalist 's ISIS terrorists are loosing to the national coalition and many heads of globalist corporations are disappearing, retiring, dying, such as the head of Google fleeing to South Korea day after sexualité misconduct act was passed.

Then the whole Trudeau's fiasco with the convicted terrorist as part of his official delegation to India.
Trump is nationalist imposing his tariffs, Putin is nationalist with the BRICKS. The rest is history.

Talking with the NDP union enthusiast at the bar in the market tonight, my close friend Karl Marx is in town you see from Berlin, Germany, where they are being mass produced apparently, so they, the lefties I mean, all flock to see him, anywho, I tell the NDP guy I will vote for the Conservatives this June 7th I think the election is on, to see his reaction.

He says, and I am all ears now, "when was the last time you saw a dentist?" I thought about it, got to be a trick question, so I tell him the truth, "a few months ago I had to patch a Grand bloody Canyon where the old filling came off." So then the NDP fella asks again, "and how much did it cost you?"

Ah! I thought, I see where this pink commie bastard is getting at, I have seen them using this sort of rubbish argument on facebook, but not this teim, over my Grand freaking Canyon I’ll gie ye a skelpit lug!

So I says to him, "the dentist wants $1500 for a crown and until then he recommended to chew on the other side since the temporary filling is more cosmetic without the proper support."

The NDP guy was in the middle of lifting his index finger up in the air making a point with it while his eyes half shot were rolled out in ecstasy of the anticipated pleasure reciting yet again the memorized speech as it was rumbling to the tip of his tongue when my words have finally registered, he then paused to process it, inadvertently almost choking on the train wreck of sounds that were well rehearsed monologue just moments ago.

NDP sure, If we only had the ranked ballot the Liberals promised but since we are stuck with the archaic first pass the post voting of winner takes all it leaves very few predictable choices, as much as I would love to vote for the Pirate Party of Canada, realistically it is the Conservatives vs Liberals.

The NDP frankly are in self finding mess while the Greens, I was once a Green party member even was briefly a treasurer for the federal greens, anyway, they are at 5% not even on the radar.

As far as their policies are concerned, the NDP failed to push for the basic income supplement adequate for the human rights requirements and address affordable housing as well as inflating cost of living vs minimum wages and income, when they had the chance.

The Greens are all for global warming carbon tax Paris G20 globalist deal, which is in ruins now, so they are not nationalists either.

So it is logical to reduce the most obvious best moral choice with option of winning down to the Conservative party.
The NDP in the best case scenario will be the official opposition in coalition with whatever will remain of Liberals. However the Doug Ford's Conservatives most likely are only interested in lowering taxes, zoning, and the development.

At least with the Conservatives there is a slight chance for the monetary reform to abolish the central banking system and revert the Bank of Canada Act to its original, prior to 1974, function of interest free landing to the government, whereas the NDP don't even want to talk about it and would rather focus on some mythical dental benefits if they win the election.

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