SOMNAMBULISM: A welcome phenomenon???

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A fortnight ago , while driving down a lonely apian way, I witnessed a well suited middle aged man walking in staggers toward the car without cautious! Could he be drunk ? I asked within me.
Lost in contemplating, I heard him utter some incoherent words which convey zero communication.

Latter I got it ! I have a case of an somnambulist before me! Seeing he is in danger of being smatched by the car, I veered swiftly away from him and landed a few metres into the pavement!!

Who is a Somnambulist??.They walks while deep asleep, even as they may engage themselves in a monologue

Medically, little seem to be certain about this medical phenomenon. But psychiatrists tend to conclude that such are usually of high intelligent quotient!!

Have you ever encountered a somnambulist??

What was your experience with such??

Would you consider somnambulism a disease or mere inconsequential disorder??

Would you desire to be a somnambulist??

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