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Recently I've been watching a lot of vidoes about making flower pictures using acrylic string pull technique. Like this one, isn't it beautiful?

Source : Pinterest

Today I had some black ink left over after I finished practicing calligraphy, so thought I'd give it a go. I didn't have all the right kit at home but figured I'd improvise with whatever is available. Coarse string and plain white A4 paper. I dipped the string in the dish of ink and let it soak for a while to absorb the ink.
今天練完書法還有墨汁剩,就地取材試學人家玩繩子拉花。我把繩子浸在墨汁裡,然後小心翼翼鋪在白紙上。 繩子較粗,白紙又小,所以擺的線條比較拘謹。我把另一張白紙和雜誌蓋上去,用手壓著然後慢慢把繩子往下拉。很緊張,不知我的第一張作品如何呢?

Then I randomly placed the string onto the paper, and added a bit more ink directly onto the string (mistake 1). It was a bit difficult to get some nice curves as the string was quite thick and not very flexible. This is what I managed.

Now for the pull. I folded the paper over, placed an old magazine on top and pressed hard (mistake 2). Slowly I pulled the string downwards releasing the pressure occasionally to let the string move. Viola! This is what it looked like when I removed the magazine. See the outline and the streaks, it's a bit like the photos I saw on the internet. It looks promising so far. Let's see what my pull string flower looks like inside.

Errrhhhh... where's my flower??!! What happened?? It's not what I expected!! Seems like I put too much ink and pressure on the string so I ended up with a blob of .... I'm not sure what it is.
噢!我的花兒在哪? 這是甚麼?幹嘛會變成.... 我也不知是甚麼。慘呢! 我第一張作品徹底失敗。


What do you think it looks like? What would you name my creation? Drop me a comment below with your answer. My favourite ones will share a prize pool of 20 Steem. Contest close at post payout. Get your creative hats on everyone!!!
你覺得它像甚麼呢?不如你告訴我知,和替我的作品取個名堂。請把你的答案寫在以下回覆區。七天後,我會選出幾個有趣的答案,瓜分 20 Steem。大家一起來動動腦筋噢!

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