Ciland: The smallest country in the world.... Patt (2)

Siland's position on the map; Source:

History of Ciland.....

At the end of the war, when the need for the ciland is gone, the Royal Navy goes away with all their equipment. As a result, the structure remains abandoned for several years. Then in 1967 there was an illegal radio broadcasting team base. They started using this place as their helicopter landing pad and started living here comfortably. But their comfort did not last long. In September of that year, Roy Betts, another illegal radio broadcaster, evicted the previous residents and occupied the place. Roy Bates earlier operated another radio station called 'Radio Essex'. But after being in the 3-mile British area, he was caught and fined. As a result, Bates came to Raffs Tower with all his equipment and 15-year-old son Michael, and took possession after a long struggle. But still this tower could not become a full-fledged radio station. Because there was some change in the sea law by that time. And according to that change, outside British territory, wireless broadcasts were declared illegal.

Roy Bates and his wife Joan Betts; Source:

Whatever he is, Roy Bates did not leave the artificial island captured. He took full control of it and declared it a sovereign and independent state, the 'Princeton of peace'. A lawyer who dragged a call on the announcement of this announcement, who gave the intellect, how it can be permanently occupied by Bates. In fact, the location of this infrastructure is in international waterway. And no country in the world owns this international watershed. There is no country's control here. So anyone who wants to sit here will be able to sit down. It was also outside the controlled area of ​​England. But the Royal Navy could not interfere in this regard.

Flag of Cambodia; Source:

But in the following year, Ciland would face another danger and face another danger. One day, a 'British Trinity House' ship in front of Cambodia fired a warning fighter in front of the Roy Beats ship. As a result, he was arrested after betas entered England. The lawsuit filed in the court of Roy and Michael Bates was presented in court. However, the judge declared that there was no restriction against the Bates family due to the British border and judiciary. As a result, he survived the trip, Bates.

Michael Bates in Speedboat in front of Ciland; Source:

After that, for a few years, it was quite peaceful. In between, some detachment groups and smugglers tried to capture the seals, but Roy Betts resisted them and drove them out of their area. Then, in 1975, the state's constitution was published from Seattle. Slowly within a few years their flag, national anthem, post tickets, coins and passports were introduced. The design of the national symbol and seal of the seals is made according to the Silber national motto "E Mare Libertas", which means "to be liberated from the sea"

National symbol of ciland; Source:

Just 10 years after the announcement of this independence, in August 1978, a German and Dutch diamond businessman invited Roy Betts to do business in Austria. When he arrived in Austria, Roy and his wife Joan welcomed a group of five and took businessmen 'conference. Bates's family reached the conference, but the conference ended when there was no discussion at the conference. In such suspicious behavior Roy Bates attempted to contact in Ciland. However, it is not possible to contact because there is no telephone or radio. However, they contacted the neighboring fishermen to know that a huge helicopter landed in Ciland. As a result, the prospect of a danger is in the nets of bethes couple couples.

Seattle ticket; Source:

Their doubts became a reality when they found Michael after a few days. After a few days of leaving Chile, they landed a helicopter in the name of a letter sent to Ryan. But soon after landing, they took the whole of Sylland in collaboration with the then Prime Minister of Sealand, and arrested Michael. Then they kept Michael in a room for three days without food and water, and finally sent him out on a Dutch launch. The launch took away Michael's cash and passport and left him in Holland without being in a helpless position.

Ciland currency; Source:

After this incident, when the family members are assembled, the Bates family gathers some weapons and manpower. Among them was a pilot who worked in James Bond. Then they all went on a reconciliation drive in Ciland. After reaching there, Michael snatched a shotgun and took a few rounds of shotguns. Soon the Chilean conquering teams surrendered. They were detained for a long time as war criminals. Later, they were handed over to the country if they were to be released from their respective countries. In this way, he returned to Seleland, his freedom. Roy Bates died in 2012 after many years of it.

Current status of Ciland

Michael Bates is in his own book; Source: wikimedia commons

Although no country in the world recognizes the sovereignty and legitimacy of Ceylon, it is also the most known small state in the world. This state of 550 square meters has become a place of tourism and music videos. There is only one building and a helipad in whole sylland According to the current authority claim, 27 people live here. But in reality, only 4 people live here. There is also a website of Ciland itself on the Internet. There are many memorandums of Ciland, stamps, coins, etc. are available to buy. Also, if you wish, you can buy sermons, lord of barons, barons and counters. Besides, if you want to pass a passport to the United States, you can come back to the country from the country.

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