There were a lot of things that happen in my life as a boy growing up in a small community. I can still remember my school days when there were no buses to take you to school
and we never had a vehicle to take us so we had to walk to school on our own. I was about six or seven years old. We lived down on one end of the community and the school was
about in the center of town. There were only a few homes around where we lived and there were many cliffs and hills around below us. That winter’s morning as I took my book bag
and seen the children walking up the small path to the community I thought that I could sat on my book bag and slide down to meet them. But I got a big surprise because of
was going too fast to stop and went out over the cliff. The Lord's hand was on me that morning because the water was gone back at low tide and when I stuck the ground I was on
the sand about two feet from a great big rock and my hand were in the water. It was about a fifteen-foot drop were I went out over and Dad and my oldest brother had to get a rope to
get me back up. I wasn’t hurt bad or many cuts but I was shaken up and had to miss school that day. I thank God because He knew the plans He had for me and I wasn’t going to be killed that day thank you, Lord.
Written by Mr. Morris Savoury Sr.
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