Profit Calculator Summary for $219 profit a day. Would you like to Have the Same Results in your Business? ASK ME "HOW"! Calculate your Target Income with Dream-cast Calculator.

First you will need to think of your dream-lief and put your dream goals into Smart Goals Sheet
This is just for example.
How to calculate your Target Income with Dream-cast Calculator How to calculate your Target Income with Dream-cast Calculator

Use The Loan Calculator for Paying Back a Fixed Amount Periodically

Below is an example

Use The Loan Calculator for Paying Back a Fixed Amount Periodically Use The Loan Calculator for Paying Back a Fixed Amount Periodically

Calculate your potential earnings based on being an **** system VIP member

This calculator was especially designed to revers engineer what you would need to do in order to accomplish your target income. We will use very simple calculations and the number of clicks that convert into leads and then into sales - this will be based on what you may expect to get from high quality targeted traffic. Plus you can potentially make much more in ongoing recurring sales.

Profit Calculator Summary for $1000 budget

If you have a budget of $1000 per month and cost of click is 0,4 c , it means that you will get 2500 clicks per month or 83 click per day - and your calculator will look like this.

Business calculator summary for 1000 usd budget Business calculator summary for 1000 usd budget

Next, enter the number of targeted clicks you can send to your capture page. The system will calculate your potential earnings based on being an ******VIP member.*

And this is my Summary - as you can see to meet my goal I need to spend at list twice more

Elite Marketing PRO business plan delivery summary

Would you like to Have the Same Results in Your Business? ASK ME "HOW" :

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