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Entrepreneurs should be result-oriented rather than focusing so much on the hours of work. Entrepreneurship should be all about productivity and value added services than just sitting behind a computer. The time an entrepreneur spends should be justified by the results produced. In this piece, we'll consider how entrepreneur can manage his time well to produce the desired results.

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1 Write everything down.

2 Organize by time horizon

3 Rank your objectives.

4 Rank your targets.

5 Estimate how you spend your time.

6 Address the mismatch.

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1 Write everything down.

One process that would greatly help an entrepreneur is, putting every of his priorities down on paper. By doing this, an entrepreneur would know exactly the way forward for him. He'll learn to attach importance to these priorities. Funny enough, some entrepreneurs do spend greater part of their time chatting, fiddle with phones, attending to crisis and so on. However, by writing down the priorities and putting them on schedule, an entrepreneur would be able to attend to them effectively.

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2 Organize by time horizon.

Even among an entrepreneur's priorities, there are to priorities. An entrepreneur should be able to categorize his priorities based on the period for which they are expected to yield results. There are short and long term goals. An entrepreneur should recognize these and pay attention to them based on the time frame expected.

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3 Rank your objectives.

An entrepreneur should make a distinction clear about what he wants to embark upon, what he's excellent at, what is expected of him and so on. By doing this, an entrepreneur would know exactly what to based his focus on at a particular time.
Knowing what he wants and what he's good at would guide him to have a direction. He would be able to focus since he's doing what he knows best, being optimistic that they'll yield the desired results. Also, by knowing what others expect from him, he would be able to channel his resources to see that he delivers exactly that.

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4 Rank your targets.

Like I said earlier, among priorities, there are top priorities. When an entrepreneur sits to rank these, he would know exactly which and which he should focus and channel his resources more on. This would guide is steps, actions and decisions regarding his goals which is the sole target. Target ranking helps to give direction, clarity and guide on goals accomplishment. It is so unfortunate that some entrepreneurs spend a lot of time on some minor targets than the major ones because they failed to categorize them.

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5 Estimate how you spend your time.

It is often said that time is money. After ranking your targets, an entrepreneur should be able to assign duration to these targets based on their levels of importance. That is, the highest priorities should take the longest duration of time and so on. However, not just assigning time to these targets, an entrepreneur should assess his performance and know whether the duration has actually produced the desired result after a certain number of months.

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