The Human Brain


In the previous article I discussed the aspects of human consciousness. I explained that we need to align our thoughts, emotions and actions, with natural and moral law, in order to end suffering on earth. I mentioned that one of the requirements in this process is knowledge. Knowledge of the self is essential to initiating change & cleaning up the mess we are in as a species.

In this article I will discuss how knowledge and an understanding of the human brain is a big part of understanding human consciousness.

The human brain has three components: the reptile brain, the mammal brain, and the human brain.

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The Reptile brain (the R-Complex), is the lowest part of the brain, or the brain stem. It is responsible for controlling our motor skills and instinctive behaviours, such as our survival instinct and our "fight or flight" responses. It is the lowest form of consciousness, or base consciousness.

Above the R-Complex we have the mammal brain (the Limbic brain). The mammal brain is responsible for our ability to experience emotions in the body.

Above the Limbic brain, we have the Neocortex. This is the part of the brain that separates us from the animal kingdom, making us uniquely human. It is responsible for higher order thinking, conceptual thinking, and our capacity for reason, logic, creativity, language, science, art, music, etc.

The Neocortex has two hemispheres; left and right. They are bilaterally symmetrical, meaning they are basically mirror images of each other along the mid line. When functioning properly, they work in unison.

The left hemisphere is the masculine side of consciousness. It governs functions such as logic, science, language, analytical thought, and all things rooted in the physical world.

The right hemisphere is the feminine side of consciousness. It governs holistic functions such as intuition, the nurturing qualities of an individual, and the ability to experience care and compassion.

If the human brain becomes imbalanced toward either one of the left or right brain hemispheres, this essentially means that the Neocortex is damaged. It will trigger one of the other two brains, either the reptilian brain or the mammal brain, to take over responsibility.

If the left brain hemisphere becomes dominant, the Limbic brain (mammal brain) suffers and starts to shut down. This disrupts the transmission of chemicals that help us experience emotions in our body, creating a largely emotionless person. This effect is easily observable in the psychological disorder known as Psychopathy. The reptilian brain takes over the entire consciousness of the individual and the person is now essentially living in the reptile mind.

This type of imbalance causes a person to single-mindedly and endlessly pursue possessions, wealth, or power, without regard for others or the environment. This is the "master" form of brain imbalance; the dominator type that wants to control others.

If the right hemisphere becomes dominant, the opposite happens. The Limbic brain will take over a person’s consciousness, and he/she loses the ability to stay rooted or grounded in reality. The person essentially becomes heavily governed by his/her emotions and cannot control what is happening inside. These people can not discern truth, and they become passive. They allow themselves to be mistreated and controlled because the reptilian instinct for survival (fight or flight) is largely shut down.

This is the "slave" form of brain imbalance. It creates a slave mentality and deep rooted feelings of unworthiness and self-loathing. People with this type of imbalance often seek external salvation, and someone to take care of them. They can also easily become addicts of some type or another.

As I mentioned, for a brain to be healthy and functioning optimally, both left and right brain hemispheres need to be balanced and working in unison. It is this balance that will activate the Pineal gland.

The Pineal gland is a small, pinecone-shaped gland situated in the centre of the brain. It is also referred to as the third eye or all-seeing eye. When the Pineal gland activates, it awakens our entire state of awareness about what is taking place within and around us. We achieve higher consciousness, increasing our ability to tell truth from deception, and our ability to resist falling victim to the control system.

A person with a balanced brain and active Pineal gland is neither a master nor a slave. We become masters of ourselves. We have achieved a state of dominion, self-ownership, and self-governance. We are not internally divided; as we think, so we feel and so we act (the three aspects of human consciousness), all in unison and in harmony with natural law and morality.

This is very old, but very important knowledge that ancient cultures had embraced for thousands of years, but, in recent times, it's true meaning and importance have been "occulted".

(Contrary to what most people think, the word "occulted" does not mean evil. It simply means "to hide or conceal"; "hidden from plain sight".)

The archetypal symbol for the male side of consciousness, or Yang energy, is depicted by an upward pointing triangle called The Blade. It represents the male phallic organ and is associated with action and everything taking place outside of one’s self. It is the force through which we project outward. This symbol is associated with the left brain hemisphere.

The archetypal symbol for the female side of consciousness, or Yin energy, is the inverted triangle, which is the reversal of the upward pointing triangle. It is a rudimentary womb symbol, and is known as the The Chalice. It is the sacred feminine energy focused on our internal aspects. It is associated with the right brain hemisphere.

(Archetypal means something that is rooted deep in your subconscious. It is something that you intuitively recognise and are aware of at a very deep subconscious level.)

When these two symbols come together, we have the interlocked Blade and Chalice, or the Seal of Solomon. It is often called the Chemical Wedding, referring to the brain’s electrical activity functioning in wholeness and harmony, and the beginning of the awakening of the Pineal gland or the All-Seeing Eye.

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Most people have some degree of left-brain or right-brain imbalance (sometimes both). This is a big part of the reason why the world is in it's current state. We have created a society of masters and slaves, with most people operating in the reptile mind, mistakenly thinking that money and power is what determines your value as a human being.

Contrary to this, those who dwell in "slave think" have abandoned all responsibility for their lives, expecting to be taken care of, while awaiting their saviour that will some day come and save them.

Very few people have achieved a state of balance and self-governance; having the WILL to affect change, while at the same time having care & compassion for others.

In the next article I will share my understanding of the dynamics of love and fear, and how it ties in with the information I have already shared.

to be continued...

Written by Aliana

Copy Editing by Eric Cram

Based on work by Mark Passio

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