My current most favorite vote bidding services ever

Each one has its own advantages and problems:

Luckyvotes - responsive and decent operator , votes on NSFW , 0/6 days deadlines

Sleeplesswhale - votes on NSFW, 0/6 days deadlines. Its owner does not respond but at least it over refunded me approximately as much as it skipped my bids, so I keep its usage and it usually yields a nice profit so I keep using it.

proffit - 0/6 days deadlines, no votes on NSFW, recently switched to no automated comments mode, which means less of the automated advertisements comments trail that some bots leave. responsive owner.
Immediate upvotes are not guaranteed, due to the guarantee of profitability.

Lightningbolt - 0/5 days deadlines. Its upper deadline was shortened from 6 days to 5 days.
Does not vote on NSFW content. Suffers for over a week from a twisted condition of operation since the recent blockchain crash that necessitated HF19.5.

RIP youtake was good while it lasted. responsive and decent owner, no NSFW.

The below bots provide good services relative to bots that I did not mention here, but do not upvote on comments, which is bad:

honestbot - gradually got worse, but its owner and operation are decent, even if not good enough for me anymore.
megabot - if its owner is nanobot's owner, then it is dangerous.

Most important features to have in a bidbot are:

  1. Responsive owner
  2. Decent owner
  3. Automatic refunds in all cases, except in cases of blacklisted users which owe it money, which is a feature no one was smart enough to employ so far.
  4. Upvotes comments
  5. Loose as possible deadlines. At least 1 minutes / 6 days deadlines, although 5 minutes / 5 days are barely bearable to some extent.
  6. Upvotes all tags, including NSFW
  7. Vests at least a part of its income and does not power down. The less it leases, the better.
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