Book Review - OPPORTUNITIES by Heward Mills


This has added to another great book which I've opened this year.

Though short but very informing.

Opportunities.. Opportunities.. Opportunities.

With this great print, Heward Mills has revealed to us that the some total of what every man becomes in life is due to individual's attitude to Opportunities.

Whether we like it or not, those who are great in life's journey became so due to what they did with the opportunities that came their ways.

So also, those who ended up frustrated and dejected became so with the way they approached and handled opportunities that came their ways.

So, I want to hope that, having read this book, it is enough to shape us with how we handle opportunities of any kind that come our ways...

Let me take you through a journey on the book😉
The book was centered on a story of a young man popularly known as the prodigal son in the scriptures.

It's a story which everyone is familiar with I'm sure.

But wait🤔 this guy's identity or real name remains unknown till today other than the common tag; the prodigal son.

This suggest to me what our identity could end up attracting by the reason of our attitude to Opportunities.

Some men have become the talk of the town today because of their attitude to Opportunities... Many are today on top of their games with the way they handled opportunities.

And some names/identities have also been altered today due to wrong attitude to Opportunities.

So, great minds, your identity today, what we know you for today, what they call you in your street and whatever tag has been placed... All has been your methodological approach to those opportunities that have come to you so far in journey of destiny.

Take it or leave it...
The author Dag Heward Mills explained Opportunities to be favourable time, occasion or set of circumstances.

So, if opportunity is locked up unto this factors (time, occasion & circumstances) it is needful that we become a good time manager, an identifier of occasions that matter to our advance in life and one who is not caught unaware by life's circumstances.

It is in this that opportunities will not slip away from our hands whenever they appear.

Note that according to the author... Opportunities come and go, but only those who are sensitive will capture it when it is passing their territory in destiny.

According to the highlight given by the author as seen in this prodigal son.

∆. He wasted the Opportunities to benefit from the advice his father gave him.

Likewise we have many today whose attitude to advice is strange.... Some will not only shun the advice, but also make the adviser an enemy.

These people are even deadlier than the prodigal son, it's just that the prodigal son has his own history documented..and known to us today.

I hope you're not such.

What a wasted opportunity. Many of us should have been far in destiny but due to untowardness to Opportunities, we are still lagging behind.

We take things for granted and this could cause us our greatness.

Being in some places is capable enough to set us at pace, being in a relationship can build everything about us... But being casual with this can lead a man away and position him afar to being great in life.
∆. He wasted his position.

The guy was initially a son right in his father's house, but because he misused the Opportunity, he had to come back to beg for servants position even in his father's house.

Dag noted that Success is very much related to correct position.

A man's position is what tells whether he's great or not...and this can only be by the way he uses his opportunity.

Therefore, the position you occupy whether in the heart of men or on the seat of authority is what determines whether you are in the league of great men.

Your opportunity with people tells of your position... Don't loose your good place in destiny with wrong attitude to Opportunities.


Whichever position you end up in life, it is by the reason of your attitude to opportunities.

Do not waste opportunities... If you have been before, change Now!
∆. He wasted his sonship.

Dag noted that a Son and a Servant are two different people.

A man's extent of impact and influence in life is dependent on his position...

The position you occupy will determine the strength of your influence. But many are doing very little today because they have lost their placement/position.

The result some are getting is so far to what they are destined to get but because they could not utilise their opportunities, they remain where they are.

The result a Son will command, a servant will never... The authority a son will exercise, a servant is far from it.

Check your position today today and you will know whether you are doing fine in destiny.

But before I drop my pen...

Dag pointed out different spirits that influence the mismanagement or misuse of opportunities in man (though I won't talk about them each).

But this suggests to us that, we (humans) are not the only subjects here on planet earth. There are beings higher than us somewhere outside there. Believe it or not.

This shows that every action and reaction of every man has an input or influence of these unseen beings.

Those whose attitude to opportunities are wrong are so because of the kind of spirit they are under his influence...

What drives a man tells more of where he finds himself in life.

I pray this night marks the end of every negative influence that blinds us to seeing opportunities from being used right.

Here I drop my pen.

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