Book Review - MAKE TODAY COUNT by J. Maxwell


A book is the most loyal of all friends, I love every great books and they have helped me become part of who I am today.

Reason for this book (Make Today Count By J. Maxwell) being a great one at this time is because though it was written way back 2004, but it's relevance to our daily living at this time is undeniable.

The premise of Make Today Count is summed up by its subtitle, "The Secret of Your Success Is Determined by Your Daily Agenda”. Maxwell points out that what we become is the result of what we do today, that every day is preparation for the next. Therefore, the only way to change your life is to change what you do daily.

Revealing that, there are decisions which if you do not make them today, it is only an elongation to the success which making the decisions would have brought.

Maxwell approaches this task by listing his “daily dozen”, the 12 areas of life that he focuses upon in order to make his own life a success.

Dedicating a chapter to each of these areas, Maxwell gives practical advice and examples from his own life on how each area can be developed. At the end of the book, he encourages the reader to make their own list, using the “daily dozen” as a model, and to work on these priorities daily in order to live a successful and fulfilled life.

1. Attitude
To make today count , you have to make a decision to keep a positive attitude & use it to influence others. If you want today to be a good day, you need to take charge of the way you look at it. To benefit from your decision to keep a positive attitude, you need to determine that every day, you will make the adjustments necessary to keep your attitude right.

2. Priorities
Another thing you need to do to make today count is to prioritize your life and give focus & energy to those things that gives the highest return. To benefit from your decision to prioritize your life, you need to determine that every day , you will live your life according to your priorities.

My take is that....everyone should identify what is the value in his or her life and give your 100% priority to it.

If something which seems good but has no value placement in your life is taking the place of what you should have given priority, then you are in for a disastrous experience soon.

3. Health
If you are serious about making today count , you will have to take good care of yourself by exercising and eating right. This is one area I personally need to work on. It’s a wise saying that health is wealth, if you are weak or sick in your body, it will greatly affect your productivity. To benefit from the decision to take good care of yourself, you need to determine that every day, you will eat low-fat foods and exercise for at least thirty-five minutes.

A lot of people count the day instead of making the day count.

They celebrate birthday without taking good care of themselves...

They never make decision to ensure that their days are spent wisely.

  1. Family
    You can also make today count if those closest to you respect you the most. While you cannot demand respect from family members, you can earn it by determining that every day, you will will work hard on gaining the respect of those closest to you.

John Maxwell admonish that “building a solid family doesn’t just happen on its own, you have to work at it.

It’s okay to aspire to be successful but it should not be at the cost of your family.

Please tell somebody that;
“Anyone who neglects or abandons his family for fame, status, or financial gain isn’t really successful.”

5. Thinking

All that you will will achieve or fail to achieve is the direct result of your thoughts.

So, to make today count , you have to decide that you will think on things that will add value to you and to others.

_Dr. Maxwell encourages that you find a thinking place to capture your thoughts & write down your ideas.

Ideas have a short half-life, “the more time that passes after the idea strikes, the less heat it gives off.

To benefit from your decision, to think on things that will add value to you & to others, you need to determine that every day, you will set aside a time to think & think on the right things.


6. Commitment
Another decision to make your today count is to decide that if something is worth doing, you will commit yourself to carrying it through.

“Everything in life exacts a price, you have to decide whether the price is worth the prize.”

Your commitment becomes stronger when you have already count the cost & determined to pay the price.

To benefit from the decision to commit yourself to carry through, you must determine that every day I will renew my commitment and think about the benefits that come from it.

So, great minds, you already know how to count your days, right now is the time to make your days count .

In John Maxwell’s words, “when you take care of today, tomorrow will take care of itself.”

Make that decision now... That business idea, the decisions associated with the birthing... The long you tarry in making the decisions, the longer idea stays in the womb of conception.

The decision you make today has a lot to do with your timely success in any facet of life or pursuit.

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