
Dream It! Pin It. Live It.

By Terri Savelle Foy

This book was worth my time, with the way Terri tendered her perspective on Vision. Unlike many other books on the subject of Vision I've read, she drew another imagery of how a visioner could become his/her vision itself.

I think this can also be one of the guides with which we can run our adventure this year 2020 by coming out Big at the tale end of the year...

Terri made it clear how we can possibly reach more of our goals when we write them down, and that keeping inspiration in front of us on a daily basis helps us stay on track. So who knows, maybe vision boards will be a helpful tool in my not-too-distant future.

This shows the power of putting the flow of the heart down in writing and imagery.
“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change.”

No matter where we are in life, we always have things to be thankful for. And by focusing on these blessings, our countenance, outlook, and circumstances change.

Terri also encourages readers to ask God to help us to dream big.

Another concept I whole-heartedly agree with.

Even if you’re in an amazing season overflowing with God’s abundance, God wants MORE for you. And the same is true if this was a hard day in a difficult week, in a trying month, in an exhausting year.

_Your present reality is not as good as it gets. Ask God what He has for you. And not just what circumstances or situations He can change, but what good does He want to bring in your strength of character? In your perseverance? In the fruit of His Spirit in your life?
At the end of life, we look back and think about the decisions we’ve made, the paths we’ve chosen and the people we’ve loved.

Yet only a few of us, when that time comes, will be able to say honestly that we’ve lived our lives fully and made a positive difference. Regrets, and opportunities lost, will weigh on the rest of us.

You can avoid regret by living life now. With a few simple tricks, you can become the person you’ve always wanted to be and live the life of your dreams.🤷🏼‍♂

This book (as I read & review) will show you how to create a vision for your life that empowers you and keeps you focused on your path. Importantly, you’ll learn how to deal with doubt, criticism and setbacks along the way.

You need to Live It!

Start building your vision. Imagine what a perfect day in your ideal life would look like!

Have you ever tried finding a restaurant but ending up baffled and frustrated by too many choices, mainly because you couldn’t pinpoint exactly what you felt like eating?

It’s common to feel this way about life in general. To live the life you really want, you can’t be fuzzy about your aspirations; 👉🏼 you need a clear vision of your future.

Those who can picture their future don’t need to wait to see what life deals them; they proactively create their lives in accordance with their desires.

I remember the story of "Malala Yousafzai" for an amazing example.

Even though she was shot by Taliban members for her beliefs, she refused to give up the fight for educational rights for girls in Pakistan. Her vision of changing women’s lives for the better was too compelling for her to just stop.

It’s essential that you find a clear vision for your life. To do this, think about what a perfect day would look like to you.🤔

When we think of a perfect day, relaxing images of vacation resorts might spring to mind. But what this really is about is crafting a day that contains everything that is truly important to you – things that’ll help you reach your goals.

Picture a whole day, from sunup to sundown.


Where are you? Who are you with? What are you doing? Are you waking up next to your partner, having breakfast with your children and then going to work at your own company? Or are you in a house next to the ocean, settling in to spend the day writing your novel?
Great minds, you must include all your senses while imagining your day: what do you smell, hear, see and feel?

This exercise not only gives you a better idea of what you truly want, but also gets you so enthused and motivated that you’ll want to start moving toward your goal immediately.

Now that you have a better sense about your ideal life, let’s start taking steps to achieve it.

Terri submitted that; Instead of being distracted by frivolous details, focus on the things that bring lasting happiness.

Did you know the average African watches over five hours of television every day? This is a huge chunk of time that could be spent on more fulfilling activities.

The trouble is, there seems to be a massive discrepancy between what we think is important and how we actually use our time.

We tend to spend a lot of time on senseless things, like excessive TV watching and shopping, unnecessary time on Internet (social media) & things that only serve to distract us – they don’t contribute to our happiness.

It’s the significant events in our life that are responsible for long-term happiness, but often they just don’t crop up in our daily thinking.

Imagine your life is a house: the majestic granite terrace and the well-manicured garden (minor things) are all very lovely, but if the plumbing and electricity (major things) don’t work, it would be pretty unpleasant to live there.🤷🏼‍♂ Abi no be so?😉

💁🏼‍♂If you want to live fully, pay attention to the major aspects in your life.

Still on Living your Dream...which is the action point of it all..

Thus idea came up as tendered by Terri in her writing👇🏼

Don’t let others tell you how to live your life. Only you know what will make you truly happy.

We are social beings, and interacting with others and living in line with our communities’ expectations is a basic value we all share.

So it’s a given that people around us will try to influence our decisions, and will often disagree with what we choose to do with our lives.

Imagine you want to take some time out from college to spend a few months volunteering in Africa. You’re so passionate about your idea that you share it with others. Then the doubts and criticism start. Your family tells you to stay and finish your education, while others suggest that it’s time to start thinking about having a family.

In these moments, remember that other people’s perspectives are always going to be different than yours. People might question your plans because your ideas conflict with their own views, or because they simply are worried about what could happen to you.

If you were actually the one who dreamt it, and pin it, why on earth should another man live it for you?🤔

In these moments, remember that other people’s perspectives are always going to be different than yours. People might question your plans because your ideas conflict with their own views, or because they simply are worried about what could happen to you.

It’s normal to question yourself and consider a change of plans when you are faced with such reactions. Therefore, it’s essential you find ways of coping with doubt.

Always bear in mind that a successful life doesn’t have a single definition.

A common reaction is for others to say that you don’t have the time or ability to follow your dreams, but know that you can always find a way to learn the necessary skills.🤦🏼‍♂

Because it may be true that the moment you dreamt it, the present you may lack what it takes to achieve it..but that should not hinder you from pinning it down...and you can build capacity into living it.

Yet commitment & persistence will play a far more important role in reaching your goals than hard skills. When you persevere, you’ll be more likely to succeed – and you can show others that you are in fact capable of achieving your goals.💪🏼

Terri's submission made me to remember the author J.K. Rowling who is a great example of perseverance. Desperate for money and on the brink of losing her apartment, Rowling was rejected by 12 publishers before one finally agreed to publish her first “Harry Potter” novel.

That's power of perseverance great minds.🤷🏼‍♂

Live your dreams by writing down what you want to do, and the steps you’ll take to get there.

Guess what?☺ You’re not going to live forever. So why do you keep postponing your dreams to play out at a vague, uncertain time in the future?

To avoid regrets when it comes to the end of your life’s road, you need to set your priorities while you still can.

Lets start by striking a balance among our tasks. Too often we prioritize urgency over importance.👌🏼

For example, think of a father regularly missing family dinners to attend last-minute business meetings. The meetings deal with pressing matters, sure, but hardly provide long-term satisfaction. Yet the dinners, although not urgent, are essential for long-term happiness.

To fully Live it as being dreamt of, another key idea she drafted is; The power of positive thinking and mental preparation can help you reach your every goal.

Now that you have a clear vision for the future and strong motivation, you’ll still need some other tools before everything can fall into place.

It’s likely you’ll face moments when nothing seems to go right, and progress stalls. During these times, it’s vital you remember to think positively.

It may seem somewhat absurd, but how we think about an event or a situation has been shown to affect its outcome.

I like this part of positive thinking, let me back it up with this which I watched online few days ago..🤩

One famous study was carried out by researcher "Masaru Emoto." He filled three cups with an equal measure of cooked rice and water, and directed different emotions to each cup for 30 days. He gave positive thoughts to the first cup, negative emotions to the second and ignored the third completely.

Emoto noticed that after the period was over, the rice in the first cup had started to ferment and smelled sweetly, while the rice in the other cups had started rotting.

Your thought function like a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you stand by yourself & your dream, you can make it a reality.🤷🏼‍♂

Staying focused isn’t always easy, though. To strengthen your positive thinking, you need to practice.

👉🏼One technique involves living something in your mind before you actually do it, and imagining all the details, emotions and feelings that you’ll experience once you achieve your goal.

Say you’re nervous about a business meeting. Take some time the night before the meeting to mentally relax and visualize the situation in as much detail as you can. How do you enter the room & greet your colleagues? What do you say, hear & see? How do you feel once the meeting is over?

This mental rehearsal enables you to practice different scenarios and helps you feel more confident when the actual situation comes about.

Never underestimate the power of your thoughts. What you think can have a huge effect on your success!

Great people, we need to Identify the beliefs that hold us back from our dreams and turn them into empowering💪🏼thoughts.

Now you know how thinking positively can help you get the results you want – so what’s stopping you from getting out there and living your dreams?🤷🏼‍♂

The trouble is, many of us find it hard to shake off our negative, limiting beliefs.

One exercise to pin down what you really believe is to picture your eightieth birthday.😉 How will you feel & what will you have accomplished by then?

Whatever you see is the result of the path you’re taking right now. If you’re sluggish and weak, than this is probably your future. If you’re energetic and active, then chances are that’s how you’ll be.

If you’re holding limiting beliefs about your future, it’s likely you’re doing it in your current life, too.

For example, how often have you not taken action because you thought you were too old or not talented enough?

To enable a focused & consistent action, you need to exchange your limiting beliefs for empowering beliefs.

Rather than focusing on what you think you can’t do or have, focus on what you can do! Use positive thoughts as a mantra, by telling yourself “I have done that once, I can do it again” or “I know how to do it.”

Don't let me bombard us with cumbersome thoughts... The book has put me myself on a big toes for how I approach the dream I once dreamt and which I've pinned down (in writing & imagery)... It's time to Live them all.



Here I drop my pen...✍🏼 THANK YOU FOR READING.

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