
Hi guys,I just read a book and wanted to share some thoughts about the book. It will be difficult and cumbersome to review all the chapters of the book... But I will advise that we get the hardcopy of this book to once a while glance through and draw from the well of wisdom of the book. The author Todd Henry titled the book DIE EMPTY... We must not die full of our Best locked up in Us.

The most valuable land in the world is the graveyard.

In the graveyard are buried all of the unwritten novels, never-launched businesses, unreconciled relationships & all of the other things that people thought, ‘I’ll get around to that tomorrow" but which were never attended to.

Maybe many think those who leave in heaven need our talent... Yes you know how to sing, but the delivery is not needed in heaven, it is needed here on earth. Your writing skill, heaven doesn't need your testament, but the inhabitants of the planet earth need it.

There economy in heaven is not suffering recession, so that your business idea which was long supposed to be lunched is not needed there, it is here we need it.

*So, you wanna carry that idea back to the grave?

Here is the time we need to centre all that is within us, emptying all of our potentials, on the work we do.


Todd said;

But work encompasses much more than just how we make a living. Any value we create that requires us to spend our time, focus, and energy—whether in the context of occupation, relationships, or parenting—is work.

So, we need to know what to die empty doesn't mean;

It’s not about getting everything done today.

It’s not the same as “live like there’s no tomorrow”

But, To Die Empty...

Your days are numbered—finite—someday they will run out

You have a unique contribution to make to the world.

No one else can make your contribution for you.

Todd Henry submitted that


Comfort could come due to many reasons, past success, status quo, unwillingness, laziness, irresponsibility, procrastination and the likes...

Don't let any of them tie you down from bringing the best out of you.

Everyone has sweet spot which means our area of strength, our area of easiness; focus on it and let it speaks volume about you.

The strength/power which you do not put to use will in no time become shrinked away.

When you’re gone, your work will stand as the single biggest testament to who you were and what you believed.

When you vacate this world, you continue to live on by the contributions you have made with what is on your inside now.

So if you want to live forever, tap into your best and lunch into action.

Look around you, you will always find a thing that is not satisfying to you, then it means there is answer in you to that dissatisfaction... You are not just angry with that thing, it is because something is in you that can satisfy the situation.

Todd highlighted 3 different ways to Work;

This is planning, plotting your objectives, and setting priorities.. Mapping is the shows the values that drive you or your sense of why you do what you do.

It’s creating value of any kind, including executing tasks, making sales calls, designing, writing, engaging with your direct reports, and tackling your objectives.
It is simply the aspect of your doing which people see, area where you deliver the most tangible value.

Meshing involves all of the “work between the work” that actually makes you effective. It’s composed of activities that stretch and grow you, such as acquiring and developing new skills, reinforcing or enhancing your knowledge, cultivating your curiosity, or generating a better understanding of the context for your work.

With these 3 aspects of work, a man could easily Empty himself.

Some people love to plan, but have a difficult time mustering the will to actually do the work.

Others love to dive into the work, but fail to regularly step back to define the context and objectives in a way that keeps them on course.

Still others are great at planning and executing, but they aren’t taking time to expand their knowledge and skills and thus become less effective over time.

With this👆🏼could you identify where you fall and make amendments.

B Careful of Mediocrity...

All innovations begin as a subtle and intuitive flash in the nether regions of your MIND.

But many innovative ideas that some minds captured did not see the light of lunching/activation.

Why does this happen? Why are so many discarded ideas, projects & opportunities tossed to the roadside, replaced by something easier, safer, and more imminent?

Why do so many people start strongly and with such hope, but succumb over time to the siren song of mediocrity?

Simply due to Mediocrity...🤷🏼‍♂

Dieing Empty needs us to Give the Best of Us, Never Settle for the Less, Identify the battle that is meant for us to fight (don't go and deliver your strength on what will not bring value even if you get result).

Be inquisitive and curious, be a goal getter, Discover your strength and build your empire on it.

When you perceive too much comfort, step out, that could be a trap to lock up your potential from being used.

Don't just Dream It... Do It...Lunch Out.

Don't just be inquisitive, don't just be optimistic, your wishful thinking is not going change the world around you and the world abroad... IT IS WHEN YOU ACT & UNLEASH THE BEST IN YOU.

A man that does little or nothing with what is on his inside is the one who KILLS his dream... But one who get the best in him out into creative innovation is one who EXECUTES his Vision.

So, because vision is a tool to bringing the best out of you, don't kill the vision, but execute it...and wait to see how the best in you will become a factor to decorate the planet earth.

Here I submit...✍🏼


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