Water, a universal entity with a molecular formula H2O, has an almost infinite importance both in humans and our society at large.
In primary education, every child is taught the 3 main characteristics of Water.
It is also referred in chemistry to as an organic solvent in which all solutes are soluble.
The laboratory preparation of Water ( H2O).
In my subsequent post, i shall implicate myself in the scientific aspects of the subject matter.
It Increases Energy & Relieves Frequent Weariness.
It Promotes Weight Loss.
It gets rid of Toxins in the body (Detoxification).
It enhances Skin Complexion.
It causes Osmo-regulation.
It boosts body Immune System.
It is Natural Remedy for aches.
Its a better preventing measure for Cramps & Sprains.
I know of a practical experience of someone who had a kind of cancer and was told by some nutritionist to wake everyday taking a glass of pure water. This she did consistently for 2½ years and we should already know what the testimony is.
Daily Application of water.
There is hardly a thing you do not need water for.
You want to build a house with bricks, the house needs water.
The glass we see, some made of sand, are made with water.
The food we eat, need water to make it cooked food.
Our very clothes, when dirty and needs to be clean again, need water for cleansing.
We eat our foods and it can be choking if not sipped down with water.
Water is universal.
You hate it, you're dead.!